Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] as an " in BNC.

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1 That too is why we welcome the appointment by the Government of consultants to examine the feasibility of privatisation as an important step along the path of establishing ourselves as an independent business .
2 Hawksmoor , who had already had a great deal of experience as an architect , was brought in as clerk of works and it is quite likely that the design was by both men .
3 It seems to be almost a perception of physics as an ‘ arts ’ subject ; indeed , Jane told me that she had been equally good at arts and sciences but had chosen sciences because of the job and university prospects .
4 In the crucial aspect of image-building , the TDC has had more to do than its regional partner in trying to alter the widely-held perception of Teesside as an area dominated by smoking chimneys .
5 His Novum Organum strengthens the perception of Hamel as an invaluable crucible of late 20th century musical thought .
6 The perception of Israel as an anti-Soviet bastion has persisted .
7 Fears of recession which heightened the perception of silver as an industrial metal and heavy over-supply over an extended period , caused prices to plummet to below $4.00 a troy ounce in mid-December for the first time in fifteen years .
8 This perception of Reagan as an ideologue had its beneficial side for ‘ the strong beliefs that made many voters fearful of Reagan also attracted voters to him , since they suggested leadership and decis-iveness — qualities widely felt to be lacking in the Carter presidency ’ .
9 ( An online search of the LISA database found no mention of Hand as an author , and it is therefore concluded that , unfortunately , Hand 's valuable work reported in his thesis remains unpublished ) .
10 Let us take the combustion of graphite as an example .
11 A history of English brutality , for which Sir Ian has collected fascinating material , is only tangentially relevant to the fear of riot as an effective factor in parliamentary govern-ment .
12 There is far more at stake here than people suppose : on this election could turn the future of Britain as an entity , the future of Britain in Europe and the future of Britain as a parliamentary democracy .
13 On Oct. 3 Wörner described the future of NATO as an expanded defence community employing peacekeeping forces in areas of ethnic or border unrest .
14 In the vestibule was a niche with a small bench-altar to support a piece of stalactite as an idol .
15 The standards that are developed to support the authenticity of a piece of information as an ‘ official record ’ require organizational commitment and formal recognition .
16 The offer ‘ was seen everywhere but inside the Department of Health as an unjust offer in comparison with other emergency services .
17 The conception of morality as an expression of the rational nature of people is consistent with the view that people 's nature is socially determined , thus rendering the concrete manifestation of morality equally socially determined .
18 This down-to-earth , no-nonsense conception of man as an imperfectly socialized animal places much less stress than Durkheim on society as a metaphysical good to the preservation of which all activities are ultimately directed .
19 This is the author 's own statement of intent in the Introduction : Ryan sees the essence of fictionality as an act of " recentering " , whereby the world of reference of a text is shifted from the actual world to an alternative possible world , which functions as the actual world of the universe projected by the text ( Chapter 1 ) .
20 With the recovery , though , came a boom that confirmed America 's coming of age as an industrial and financial power .
21 In mathematics education , we need to re-examine our approaches to ensure pupils see mathematics as for , and about , everyone , thus promoting recognition of mathematics as an activity we can all engage in .
22 Iceland on Jan. 31 became the first country to resume diplomatic recognition of Lithuania as an independent state .
23 Totally divorced from that friendship is his assessment of Ken as an actor .
24 The Maastricht Treaty is a specific and conscious step in the direction of Euro-nationalism as an end in itself .
25 One view saw Suharto 's motive in encouraging greater activism on the part of Golkar as an attempt to acquire a reforming image to help counteract pressure on him to stand down before the 1993 election .
26 Desertification is of course , at least in part , an instance of drought as an earth hazard .
27 The mere existence of fashion as an industry and integral part of capitalism means it is , by definition , undemocratic ; and so further underlines the impossibility and futility of the question .
28 A key text is his early essay , ‘ Structure , Sign and Play in the Discourse of the Human Sciences ’ , which concludes that there are two possible interpretations of interpretation : ‘ The one seeks to decipher , dreams of deciphering a truth or an origin which escapes play and the order of the sign , and which lives the necessity of interpretation as an exile .
29 The court will not evaluate the evidence and the finding of facts as an appeal court ; that is not the purpose of judicial review .
30 Vologsky emerged from the mass of details as an almost archetypal defector .
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