Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] was the " in BNC.

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1 A matter which has taken a great deal of time was the proposal before ITAC in relation to future arrangements for the Electronic Distribution of the Crown Court List .
2 Another direct result of conquest by force of arms was the development of slavery , which was widespread up to the beginning of the nineteenth century .
3 For Darwin and his closest followers it was evident that the driving force of evolution was the process that adapted populations to their ever-changing environments .
4 Lankester suggested that the driving force of progress was the struggle of organisms to cope with environmental challenge , and warned that degeneration threatened any species that took up a less stimulating environment .
5 The geography of energy was the subject for a paper by Linton ( 1965 ) which appeared well before the advent of the systems approach .
6 Another key factor related to the possibility of the closure of Hormuz was the mood prevailing in ruling circles in Tehran .
7 Loss of A73–40 was the result of the aircraft hitting trees on high ground after cleaning up on take-off .
8 So often the loss of self-control was the welcome prelude to a confession — a confession that was usually , in turn , a vast relief to the pent-up pressures of a tortured mind .
9 My prize for the most colourful quote goes to the scientist who said that the likelihood of humans having come about as the result of evolution was the same as a tornado in a scrapyard having accidentally assembled a Jumbo jet .
10 ‘ Personal self-denial for the good of others was the first important lesson Annie learned , ’ says Taylor , ‘ and it was a principle by which she stood for the rest of her life . ’
11 More important for the long-term programme of submission was the fact that they agreed to allow Christian missionaries into their lands .
12 Bob 's bid of $1,630 was the highest paid for any of the 44 aircraft auctioned .
13 Bateson now argued that the direct study of variation was the only way of trying to understand how evolution actually works .
14 Bentley 's group theory postulated that the study of politics was the study of the conflict between groups , although his work did not refer to organised interest groups only but to groups with shared views .
15 Professor Dyos ' study of Camberwell was the first in a series of examinations which have enabled us to see how the ubiquitous terraced streets of our great cities were laid out and slowly built up in a highly complex way , for a whole series of social and economic reasons .
16 To judge from the very wide circulation of the decisions on these details , in contrast to the almost total lack of circulation of the earlier decrees , this concentration of effort was the right policy ; but it took at least another two generations before the aim , which Anselm in 1102 had been confident could quickly be reached , was achieved .
17 The immediate reason for the outbreak of war was the French king 's confiscation of the Duchy of Aquitaine on the ground that Edward was harbouring Robert of Artois , a rebellious vassal of the French king who had fled to England in 1336 after being condemned as a traitor .
18 The outbreak of war was the emergency and a centrally-funded national service came into being .
19 John Maynard Smith , who was Haldane 's pupil , says his most remarkable piece of foresight was the suggestion in 1941 , 12 years before the structure of DNA was elucidated , that genes would replicate semi-conservatively , that is , by a molecule splitting in two and each half making a mirror image of itself .
20 The most important piece of legislation was the Prevention of Fraud ( Investments ) Act 1958 ( PF(I) Act ) .
21 This latter piece of logic was the clincher and he dropped the idea as soon as he sobered up , the following week .
22 He explained this extraordinary assertion to his family by saying that the aristocratic rule of primogeniture was the same as that by which Jesus Christ had inherited the kingdom of heaven ( at which his daughter , Nancy , remarked , ‘ Oh , I thought you meant it would be a blow at the faith because the Lord 's son would lose the right to choose the clergyman . ’ ) .
23 Lancaster College of Technology was the first of the future polytechnics to have established an Academic Board , in 1962 .
24 The effect of overcrowding was the disastrous one of turning you against all humanity .
25 The inhibitory effect of TPA was the same whether it was added 30 or 10 minutes before challenge with histamine at 20°C , but TPA was ineffective if added at the same time as histamine ( Fig 3 ) .
26 First attempt to link the opposite shores of a considerable stretch of water was the link between Dover and Cap Griz Nez in 1850 .
27 The Department of Chemistry was the first building of the initial development — mid 1920s to 1930s ; subsequent further expansion took place in the 1950s and 1960s .
28 The most vigorous exponent of the new approach has been Margaret Thatcher 's favourite Scottish Office minister , Michael Forsyth , who until his promotion last month to the Department of Employment was the most loathed man in Scottish politics .
29 The establishment and maintenance of peace was the primary aim of idealists , and this was to be achieved through the spread of liberal democracy and through international law , administered by a newly created international organization , the League of Nations .
30 Apart from the conclusion of alliances with other nobles , and the exploitation of casual sources of income , a major instrument of expansion was the diplomatic marriage .
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