Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] [conj] had " in BNC.

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1 Surely it was kindness of heart and had nothing to do with complexes .
2 The Bishop of Hereford was an associate of Mortimer and had been brought before parliament in 1324 to face charges that members of his retinue had helped Mortimer to escape from the Tower .
3 A large proportion of the younger generation , growing up during the Nazi era and highly impressionable , had been fully exposed to the suggestive force of propaganda and had succumbed more uncritically than any other section of the population to the emotional appeal of the ‘ Führer myth ’ .
4 But this time , the voices were not in the distress of agony that had been heard in the reception area .
5 Whether they had taken such action with the explicit authorisation of President Gorbachev remained unclear , although it was widely agreed that he had failed to respond adequately to the loss of life that had occurred .
6 In his electoral address of February 1985 Gorbachev returned to the European theme , regretting the loss of impetus that had occurred since the signature of the Helsinki Final Act ten years earlier and expressing the hope that West Europeans would not allow ‘ our common home ’ to be converted into a testing-ground for American doctrines of ‘ limited ’ nuclear war .
7 He had once said that he did n't know whether his passion for water-power was a result of meanness or had some deeper Freudian significance .
8 Within was a colour photograph of Nicola that had been taken several years before : her face was chubbier and her hair , although still a remarkable blonde , was straight and parted down the middle .
9 And then she remembered why she was there , because the Mahon virus had been joined with humanity , had been introduced into the genes as the same batch of fluid that had given life to Piphros .
10 In about 1516 he moved to Cambridge , where Erasmus had recently introduced the study of Greek and had asserted the supremacy of the Scriptures , ridiculing the theories of the schoolmen and their fantastic systems of interpretation .
11 Lucy was involved in a study of cetaceans and had come along in the hope of seeing at least some porpoises .
12 In the closing rounds Eubank , sensing that his title was on the line , dropped the facade of arrogance that had earlier been his hallmark .
13 Investigators said the Ty Mawr home in Abergavenny , Gwent , was badly mismanaged , had too broad a mix of residents and had untrained staff .
14 Harry explored between his back teeth with his tongue and , failing to extract the piece of gristle that had lodged there , used the tip of his knife as a toothpick .
15 ‘ Well , Boyo , it 's either this or that , ’ said Taff , pointing to the alternative — a large piece of meat that had been roasted over a fire and looked most unappetising .
16 He said he 'd probably get it anyway , that he 'd baited the trap with a piece of meat that had gone off .
17 It was worn and comfortable-looking , like an old , well-loved piece of furniture that had been kept for years .
18 He moved uncomfortably and his chair scraped against the dusty edge of the grate , dislodging a small carved piece of stone that had been propped against the hearth .
19 It 's a piece of pipe that I got at a plumbing supply place ; I bought a twelve foot piece of pipe and had it cut into pieces a little over an inch long .
20 A piece of land that had held no particular interest for him at all until the arrival of its new estate manager .
21 Well a ponch er it 's sort of made of wood , and got a got a handle crosswise which you held in one half of it in each hand , it had a stem , and on the on the ponch itself was a sort of er piece of wood that had been er cut out to have about four , I think it was four , legs on this , you see and you used to stand over the ponch and
22 A : ah a book that had been written or a piece of music that had been written or a painting or a —
23 When Sandra was nearly fourteen her mother had suddenly grabbed hold of her by the knobbly clothes-prop in the sloping garden and delivered up the one piece of advice that had been fermenting in that already greying head for decades .
24 The whole event commenced with a football match between artists and critics on a piece of wasteland that had been turned into a football pitch .
25 In the result they sought to rely on a very undefined rule of confidentiality that had recently been confirmed in relation to the suppression of memoirs by the Duke of Argyll about his wife 's life , and in one or two other very dissimilar instances .
26 Defries hardly noticed the lakes and the vegetation : she was studying the strange complex of structures that had been built on a vast slab of rock in the centre of the fertile valley .
27 This was part of a huge complex of buildings that had been owned by the Bulgarian Communist Party .
28 The light of hope that had flickered in Tubby 's eyes died and he shook his head wearily .
29 That investigation had been initiated under rule 7.9(1) ( b ) of the Rules on the direction of the Chief Executive to the chief enforcement officer in the light of evidence that had come to Lautro 's attention suggesting that Norwich Union might have been in breach of various of the rules in failing adequately to monitor the business and operations of the Winchester Group and to ensure compliance with the Code of Conduct .
30 It is not material to any issue before the court , but I should record that on 26 March 1991 the board of Lautro considered whether intervention remained justified in the light of information that had come to their knowledge since 30 October 1990 .
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