Example sentences of "[noun sg] of [noun] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In Musselburgh , there was a beach game ( called fitba ) in which the goals were of little sticks and the ball a dried bladder of seaweed flicked with the middle finger to score .
2 And , as the wheel of fortune continues on its inexorable cycle , values are likely to start going up again soon .
3 It is a wheel of vanes set at right angles to the sails , so that if the wind is not striking the sails , it must strike the fantail and turn the sails into the wind again .
4 For through the seemingly substantial chest of his great-great-grandfather he could glimpse the hazed , refracted image of the Ywe Lung , the great wheel of dragons broken by the planes of his ancestor 's body .
5 For instance , the London Borough of Southwark remained under Labour control after the May 1982 local elections , but two-thirds of the Labour councillors were new , following ‘ de-selections ’ and defections to the newly formed Social Democratic Party .
6 In particular erm we were worried that the county just had not acknowledged that one of the phenomena of the nineteen eighties had been that much of the industrial land in the borough of Harrogate converted to B one office use .
7 Against this dark backcloth the morality and religion of Israel shines like a star .
8 After that , it would be renewed only if the president indicated that China had adhered to human-rights commitments , stopped the export of goods made with prison labour and made ‘ overall significant progress ’ on a set of other matters , which range from ceasing religious persecution in Tibet to prohibiting the transfer of missile technology to Syria , Pakistan and Iran .
9 The US House of Representatives on July 10 approved the extension of most favoured nation ( MFN ) trading status to China , but linked its renewal in 1992 to China meeting stringent conditions on improving human rights , ending the export of goods produced in prison labour camps , and strictly controlling the sale of ballistic missiles to the Middle East .
10 In addition , further renewal of MFN status in 1992 was to be dependent on China meeting stringent conditions concerned with ( i ) improving human rights ; ( ii ) ending the export of goods produced in prison labour camps ; and ( iii ) controlling the sale of ballistic missiles to the Middle East .
11 Reports in late January suggested that the United Kingdom Defence Ministry might have been aware of the export of components used in the manufacture of the Iraqi " super-gun " [ see pp. 37332 ; 37390-91 ; 37471 ; 38361 ] .
12 The European Communities ( EC ) were drawing up proposals to control the export of chemicals used in cocaine production and guidelines for member states on controlling money-laundering by drug traffickers .
13 The spraying of Missouri began in May 1971 .
14 A liberal spraying of Waxoyl diluted by white spirit is then easily taken into the metal where it continues to preserve from within .
15 MINIS , when properly developed , could identify and measure the performance of departmental cost centres , and thereby provide a potential for the comprehensive reorganization of departments based upon the principle of decentralization to managerially autonomous accountable units .
16 The association of thrust faulting on the margins of the Tibetan Plateau with normal faulting in its highest regions has been interpreted as suggesting that it has attained its maximum elevation , and that consequently it is tending to grow outwards rather than increase in altitude .
17 Last week the head teachers association of Cambridgeshire wrote to the county council to say that because of critical shortages of books , equipment and facilities and because of oversized classes , it would have serious difficulty providing the national curriculum .
18 Thus an association of features leads to the attribution of all of them to a common agency , rather like the association of subglacial channels with eskers in a different context .
19 The Tortula-Grimmia association of mosses occurs on wet alkaline substrates ( for example marble outcrops ) ; species of the named genera form deep carpets in which other mosses , lichens and hepatics settle , forming some of Antarctica 's most complex stands of vegetation ( Gimingham and Smith , 1970 ) .
20 Not simply would the future USSR be a ‘ renewed federation ’ ; it would also , necessarily , be a voluntary association of republics based upon a new union treaty , whose features became increasingly distinct as the Central Committee plenum faded into obscurity .
21 ‘ Oh , do shut up ! ’ said Molly , thinking of Jacqueline left in the sole care of Giovanna .
22 A light , high tang of fuel lay on the air .
23 By this valley of the Glen water Douglas had surely intended to make his way back to Kelso , for he had brought his army out of the cleft of Wooler close under the hills , bearing west , and only when they were clear of the town and close to Homildon village had they become aware of the English army drawn up facing them , closing this route , and in a position also to deny them access to the more easterly route by the Till .
24 Dark because it had once been the attic of the house and its only natural light came from a tiny oblong of glass set in the sloping roof .
25 As is still the case , students at some universities in the early 1970s could build their own pattern of course units in ways which tended to displace the historical chronology of literature associated with " English Language and Literature " .
26 The elections to a new 205-member House of Representatives resulted in a victory for the Nepali Congress , which formed a new government in late May , and marked the final stage of a 15-month democratization process which had resulted in the destruction of the old panchayat system , under which political parties had been banned and most political power had rested in the hands of the monarch , King Birendra Bir Bikram Shah Deva [ see p. 37856 for chronology of events leading to the adoption of a new constitution in November 1990 ] .
27 Whether patients who relapse should be treated long term with a fixed or titrable dose or six month courses for each episode of relapse remains to be elucidated in future studies .
28 Almost all health care professionals with primary training in medicine , nursing , physiotherapy , or other allied professions counsel people during their work : if the broadest definition of the term is used an episode of counselling occurs in every medical consultation .
29 It has often been pointed out that in less developed societies , old people were seen as the repository of wisdom needed for daily living as well as for spiritual guidance .
30 If any teacher has not received a card of thanks to take to her class , please let me know .
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