Example sentences of "[noun sg] the [noun] [pers pn] have " in BNC.

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1 ( a ) Defining obligations A party may seek to restrict its liability by defining in the contract the obligations it has undertaken .
2 Superior qualifications were , indeed , by no means a guarantee of preferment , on the testimony of David Scott himself , who admitted on another occasion that ‘ there was some altercation about the superior qualifications of the other candidates , but on my shewing the chairman the anxiety I had to provide for your friend , with his assistance I carried it ’ .
3 Being an American photographer the avenues I have are basically the news magazines .
4 Vincent decided not to hang about for the landlord , but head back on foot the way they had come .
5 He had tried to cast her from his mind , to drive from his heart the spell she had cast over him , but it was no use .
6 Charity had felt something tug at her heart the moment she had first seen this cove .
7 She turned and ran with her bike the way she had come , and did n't even stop to jump on again , until the-cows were out of sight round a bend !
8 She had little doubt that she had allowed her heart to rule her head , and , much as she had enjoyed what had happened between her and David , could she ultimately trust a man who had treated her sister the way he had ?
9 In the small grease-laden kitchen the dishes they 'd eaten a meal off were in the sink .
10 Some of Lakatos 's writings indicate that he wished to defend a position something like the one I have labelled rationalism , and that he viewed with horror the position I have labelled relativism , a version of which he attributed to Kuhn .
11 Once again we have tried to reflect in the year 's programme the feed-back we have had from you and this year we have obviously been particularly aware of the financial constraints upon us .
12 Thus , summoning all my courage and self-control ( easier to do on paper ) , I replied wishing him luck , and sent by surface mail the photograph he had asked for .
13 Something wondering and recapitulatory in his tone brought to mind the way I had often spoken of Jess in her absence : odd , I thought , the way men tended to prize their partners more highly when they were elsewhere ; almost as though the idea of relationship was more satisfactory than its practice .
14 Secondly I think annual Governor 's subscriptions could be doubled to £40 and Life Governors at least £400 , bearing in mind the influence they have in running the Institution 's activities …
15 This time , of course , she was not only armed with the foreknowledge of what would be said but she still had in her mind the conversation we had just had about making mistakes .
16 He told Ram to kill her as well and hurried away to take refuge in the banqueting hall and try to erase from his mind the scene he had just witnessed .
17 Just just as a matter of interest , Graham , I was looking at the er , the rates yesterday , cos I 've been paying my mortgage over ten ye , over the last eleven years , and erm , bearing in mind the premiums I 've been paying before my endowments would have been er , er , you 'd expect to be more recent , because I was er , young
18 Dean climbed off the roof and let himself into the car the way he had come .
19 I earn a living the way I have to , not the way I choose to . ’
20 All over Spain , rebel officers put into action the plan they had been elaborating since December of the previous year .
21 Since those days I have sometimes wished that I had been able to record on tape the conversations I had with Gilbert Harding , who was an intellectual .
22 There was nothing for me to do , I was too young to get a work permit , and mum was determined we were n't going to start breaking the law the minute we 'd got there , so she called Auntie Muriel and Auntie Muriel said why not .
23 Not only that : his was the round , jolly face he had seen in the window the day he had been hit on the head outside the room where he had been watching the Occultation of the Twenty-fourth Imam of the Wimbledon Dharjees .
24 When at last he was able to throw aside his damp sheet and make his way to the window the panorama he had last seen on the day of the sepoy attack had been transformed .
25 In the theatre , he argues , there is ( a ) an internal dramatist — who makes up the characters and their actions ; ( b ) an internal actor — who represents to the reader for his benefit the actions he has made up as dramatist ; and , finally , ( c ) an internal audience .
26 In Rachel Webb 's case this meant losing the right to see her daughter , ’ The judge said I gave up my rights as a parent the day I had my operation ’ .
27 From October , with the birth of the British Athletics Federation ( BAF ) , British athletics should finally give the sport the constitution it has for so long struggled to devise .
28 I was afraid I might hurt a child the way I 'd been hurt .
29 Over the years the G M B has been a major part of our family life the night meetings sometimes being away from home the disputes I have been involved in you have shared them with me and listened to me , and because of my involvement you have always supported me .
30 He shrugged , the jerky movement betraying for a moment the emotion he had banished from his voice .
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