Example sentences of "[noun sg] keep [noun] [prep] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Time they had a General Medical Council keeping tabs on them , like the rest of us .
2 The boy keeping pace beside her must have heard the sigh ; he glanced at her , his expression concerned .
3 Glad I had the foresight to keep hold of it . ’
4 God had n't fully maintained His help to keep condescension from her tone or to prepare her for the answer when it came : ‘ Yes , I went to school , ma'am .
5 He was a marked man and US Intelligence kept tabs on his every move determined to avenge Pearl Harbor .
6 ‘ You Granny keep Safex in her little store ? ’
7 How does a bat keep track of its own echoes , and avoid being misled by the echoes of others ?
8 The gadget to keep pace with your workouts
9 By the time they had done the shopping and got back and Tessa had cooked the lunch ( as she insisted on doing in her eagerness to keep house for him ) it would almost certainly be something like three o'clock .
10 This normally involves either the United Association for the Protection of Trade ( UAPT ) , a non-profit organisation keeping records for its 12,000 members , or Credit Data ( CD ) , a commercial firm .
11 At the end of the exercise have a short period of conversation while you concentrate on the fingertips on your larynx and on feeling the right degree of voice volume , your friend keeping check for you on the right amount of voice volume and indicating if it becomes too loud or too quiet .
12 The hounding , or the fact that an amateur had no trouble keeping tabs on you ? ’
13 The private money and foreign contributions were handled by a network of cut-outs and dummy companies so complicated that even North had trouble keeping track of it .
14 Recognising the problems associated with calcium deficiency facing women particularly , English Grains Healthcare formulated a dietary supplement called Calcia to ensure your calcium intake keeps pace with your body 's needs .
15 Now and again he was asked to the house of his new professor , a bachelor whose sister kept house for him .
16 He found a man keeping geese in his kitchen and a woman with a typewriter in a turret . ’
17 Possibly , as war drew closer , the police wanted some pretext to keep Joyce on their books .
18 She swayed to and fro ; she almost slipped down onto the ground beside the dead queen in the mud but Finn kept hold of her no matter how hard she struck at him , lightly clasping her shoulders so that she would not fall .
19 They are also rigorously colour-coded , so that when the Wife ( Helen Mirren ) walks into the lavatory from the dining-room , the camera keeping pace with her all the while , she is miraculously redressed in identical tacky Jean-Paul Gaultier clobber , but now in white and not red .
20 Copy and complete these panels ( REMEMBER In adding and subtracting , decimal points must be in line to keep numbers in their correct places. ) unc
21 Operators of many of the nation 's largest power stations are challenging the government 's new environmental policy in an effort to keep details of their polluting activities secret from the public .
22 Maintenance of the driver and command files for the process is very much the LIFESPAN Manager 's responsibility , and what better way to keep track of them than inside the process to which they refer .
23 As part of the Radio Taxis Business Services commitment to lead the way and offer the best service in the capital we 've installed a multi-million pound , state-of-the-art system to keep track of our cabs .
24 Then he was sweeping through the doorway of the main reception-room , with Shiona having to hurry in order to keep pace with him .
25 The general use of disapproval in order to keep people on their toes tends to be counterproductive after a time .
26 The showmen hated those whom the Cinematograph Year Book always described as ‘ the Busybodies and Meddlers ’ and thought of their demands in terms of what the Bioscope referred to as ‘ Prussianism ’ but in order to keep control of their own industry the showmen accepted many of the standards of middle-class taste and insisted that what they would provide would be for the most part family entertainment .
27 If the women really are changing the parturition rules for the second time in ten years , it is probably more to keep the men on the hop than anything else — just as black people keep changing the name you are allowed to call them in order to keep whitey on his toes .
28 His chauffeur kept pace with him on the sideline , carrying a flask which glinted in the chilly sunlight .
29 If a password is required , you will only ever provide it once , since LIFESPAN keeps track of which users have supplied the password for a specific module .
30 If a password is required , you need only ever provide it once , since LIFESPAN keeps track of which users have supplied the password for a specific module .
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