Example sentences of "[noun sg] might have [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Attempts to avoid altered glycaemic control , which is a confounding variable , during the study might have masked a tendency for increased hypoglycaemia with human insulin , but since insulin doses did not change throughout the study this is also unlikely .
2 Can you please tell us which members of the club might have had a specific motive for wishing to get rid of Sir Conrad ? ’
3 Also news of such extravagance might have perturbed a suspicious Emperor .
4 Even Phyllis 's racial prejudice might have had a touch of the humorous about it , if it were n't so offensive and pathetic .
5 On the other hand , the fact that some patients had already failed to respond to tricyclics before entering the trial might have introduced a bias against this class of drugs .
6 So there were two key consequences ; one was that universities came to see that planning of such change might have produced a better result : the other that vengeful dons denied Mrs Thatcher her honorary degree from Oxford .
7 If only Kinnock had been able to show us this side of himself when he was still Leader of the Labour Party , the election might have had a very different result .
8 According to the evidence at the trial , only Zaidie bore witness to the defendant 's telephoned confession , but the defence might have promoted a viable theory of conspiracy if they had been able to show that Matadial had also testified to a confession , then resiled from it in her deposition , taken the offensive again in her addendum and finally opted for a female voice in her evidence .
9 Nor was he helped by being up against the mighty deeds of the West Indies in his first two series , and perhaps if he had been able to cut his teeth on something less difficult the story might have had a happier turn to it .
10 Bouvard et Pécuchet would have been finished ; Madame Bovary might have been suppressed ( how seriously do we take Gustave 's petulance against the overbearing fame of the book ? a little seriously ) ; and L'Education sentimentale might have had a different ending .
11 Another scientist might have proposed a modification in the optical theory governing the operation of the telescopes used in the investigation .
12 It is tempting to speculate that were it not for the onset of the protracted illness in February 1858 Which led to his death in September 1859 , his influence might have produced a very different outcome to the competition .
13 Had we our Annuall Parliaments Settled , the Negative Voice Restrained , a Committee of Lords and Commons to be the Privy-Council , no Officers of the King to serve in Parliament , the Revenue Appropriated , all Eminent Offices had upon good Behaviour and Election of Members to Parliament secured , the Work might have deserved a better Character " .
14 Had they contested the case , a jury with more awareness of contemporary social stresses than the judge might have returned a verdict of not guilty to national applause .
15 His claim about South African involvement was subsequently ridiculed in the press and elsewhere in a way reminiscent of the scorn poured for so many years on the suggestion that British intelligence might have had a link with the Zinoviev letter .
16 Unlike the fourth floor of Lloyd 's , it has a purpose-built trading floor , but the exchange might have to sign a longer lease than it needs .
17 A European director might have made a film explicitly depicting and condemning the chain-gang system and he almost certainly would have suggested that the system was a metaphor for life itself , but Hollywood had made a more accessible and universally popular film by showing an innocent man hounded by a combination of events and social forces of which the chain-gang was the most obviously dramatic .
18 One of the people with the piano might have had a pencil between their teeth , but would probably have been annoyed if we had taken it to mean the pencil and said :
19 But now it looked as if her job might have taken a different turn .
20 The presence of the Seoul 100 metres silver medallist might have attracted a few more through the turnstiles had the Scottish AAA not agreed to keep his entry a secret at the request of the athlete himself , a fact which inevitably leaked out leaving the promoters somewhat embarrassed .
21 ‘ It occurred to me , ’ Sybil continued as she waved Melissa to a chair , ‘ that … that person might have had a motive for killing Angy . ’
22 I mean , the wallet might have meant a tussle .
23 With luck , by the second morning the trench might have reached a depth of barely three feet .
24 It had not occurred to him that Jessica 's behaviour might have put a suitor off , more that Parr would want to go and smack her cheeky face , as he would have done .
25 That wildfire feeling might have got a hold a month back , but it would not be allowed to do so again .
26 The tramp might have lighted a fire and left it burning .
27 A close observer might have noticed a slight stiffening of Albert 's back , but otherwise he gave no sign of hearing .
28 ‘ Some idiot might have seen a well-dressed elderly gent near the railway line and then you could have been questioned . ’
29 Gorbachev , interviewed in West Germany , suggested that Islamic fundamentalism might have played a part in the disturbances .
30 If approached by a predator , the crab confronts it with its outstretched claws bearing the stinging anemones , rather as primitive man might have held a wolf at bay by using a flaming torch .
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