Example sentences of "[noun sg] must have a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Each sentence must have a meaning all its own , if that meaning is able to be exactly copied by a sentence in another language .
2 Anyone inspecting a bat roost must have a licence from English Nature ( or the Scottish or Welsh equivalents ) .
3 Obviously , the last part must have a sense of finality , but the emotion of each part of the work must have its proper place and be allied to what has gone before and what follows .
4 In the case of DEC Rdb/VMS a registered user must have a VMS account which has privileges and quotas as specified above in the section , ‘ User Access to DEC Rdb/VMS ’ .
5 ‘ A play must have a beginning , a climax and an end ’ ( Aristotle )
6 The Leader of the Opposition must have a chance to answer .
7 In addition , each cell must have a set of instructions — possibly analogous to genetic information — which lists what every cell must do in every position .
8 Likewise it is reasonable to accept that a rationalised religion must have a starting point that is based on acceptance of an unproved statement , provided that such a statement , if later proved to need modification , has not permitted the development of a religion that will collapse , if that vital primary premise comes into question .
9 United States President George Bush met Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev in Helsinki for a one-day emergency summit which emphasized the shared opposition of the superpowers to Iraq 's seizure of Kuwait , although the Soviet Union repeatedly underscored its belief that any eventual military action must have a basis in UN agreement .
10 To survive in a rational era , the irrational institution must have a function , and must appeal to the population .
11 Every plan must have a starting point , it must have an objective .
12 For allocation of resources is an area where conservatism of approach ( 'each child must have a textbook' ) tends to combine with administrative convenience and often with the commercial interests of publishers and suppliers to ensure that limited financial resources available to schools are not used to their best advantage .
13 Every opponent must have a weakness .
14 By definition , any national or so-called boutique business must have a business-mover .
15 But if you are to leave your audience not merely entertained but also convinced , each word picture must have a purpose and be built into the logical framework so that the latter would be noticeably weaker without it .
16 Together , the two players in the development process must have a sense of mutual responsibility for projects .
17 In the case of CONTAINS-SOURCE-OF only , this relationship must be completed by specifying the file name into which the module is to be transferred on the user 's account , thus : IN-FILE [ file name ] where file name must have a minimum of one character in both the name and the extension , but must not exceed 64 characters , nor contain spaces .
18 where file name must have a minimum of one character in both the name and the extension , but must not exceed 64 characters , nor contain spaces .
19 To keep Tubifex worms , the aquarium must have a layer of mud on the bottom and a supply of fresh-water continuously dripping into the aquarium .
20 The success of the Ahlbergs ' working relationship must have a lot to do with their long and happy marriage .
21 Every choreographer must have a motive if he or she is to give proper thought , impetus and significance to the movements made by the dancers whether : they are telling a story ; describing and/or expressing the thoughts behind a theme ; or interpreting music either by expressing personal feelings about the melody and rhythm or by so framing the dance that it parallels the music and reveals its structure .
22 He might have shaved for a match , thought Perdita ; the girl in the petrol station must have a skin like garlic sausage .
23 ’ The Fedpol must have a file on him to fill a room .
24 One more important aspect of using LIFESPAN which should be explained at the outset is that every module must have a charge code associated with it .
25 Instead , it asserts that religious belief must have a way of ‘ knowing its object ’ that is entirely separate from the process of historical reconstruction .
26 Care proceedings can only follow , however , at the instigation of the local authority or the NSPCC. ( b ) The child protection register Each area covered by a social services authority must have a child protection register to be maintained by the social services department .
27 But in essence what the government say is that erm the parents ' rights as far as the , what is now called the statement — each authority must have a statement about children with special needs .
28 If the Union must have a security structure of its own , it necessarily follows that it has needs which are not covered by Nato and interests which go beyond the mutual defence guaranteed by the North Atlantic Treaty .
29 The main thesis of the attitudinist theory of ethics can now be expressed as the claim that the most general ethical words have a primarily valuational meaning , while to be properly ethical at all , a word must have a meaning which is partly valuational .
30 ‘ I know that , ’ I replied , ‘ but a man must have a name .
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