Example sentences of "[noun sg] must have [been] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 She was only twenty when she was saddled with me , yet she never made me feel I was a drag , and heaven knows a kid sister must have been at times . ’
2 I 'm forty-eight this year , me mum must have been in there nearly fifty year .
3 Theo 's fears that his brother was on a self-destructive course must have been at least partly eased by this letter .
4 However , Honderich himself throws up difficulties with regard to his third point , in that Conservatism must have been at least partly responsible for the ‘ decent ’ society he found when he arrived in Britain thirty years ago .
5 The winner must have been beyond price .
6 WHOEVER judged the inflatable sumo wrestling bout at half-time must have been from the WBO .
7 All those lands have water , either acknowledged as lakes , or in winter pools throughout the poor , snipe-grass farmland ; how lovely the light must have been to his eyes .
8 ‘ We ca n't be absolutely sure of the sequence of events but the victim was hit from behind and fell against the door leading into the garage , so the killer must have been in the house .
9 That unedifying but intriguing little episode must have been round the Lab within minutes of its happening .
10 But of course any God capable of intelligently designing something as complex as the DNA/protein replicating machine must have been at least as complex and organized as that machine itself .
11 Sheila and John think the burglar must have been in the house when they returned from a night out .
12 The marriage must have been in trouble even then , he thought , and he had n't known .
13 Unfortunately , the burial period must have been between 1400 and 1000 B.C. , a time far distant from the legendary date of the battle between Coilus and Fergus .
14 In this case we can calculate that the average output per obverse die must have been between 23,000 and 47,000 .
15 Coming back , as always , to the Jurassic , one has only to compare the 30 ammonite zones represented in one foot of sediment in Sicily with the 15 000 feet representing a single zone in Oregon , to realise how startlingly different rates of deposition must have been in different places .
16 The seller must have been in possession of the goods or documents of title .
17 He instantly spotted the ‘ yorker ’ delivered by the man from BBC Wales — in effect , that the England match could not have been one he expected to win at the start of the season , therefore the Scottish match must have been on the credit side of the ledger .
18 Cecilia reflected on how massive the explosion must have been for her and that beautiful girl to have heard it up here in West Hampstead .
19 For cover to operate on either Policy Form the vessel must have been within the prescribed cruising range when the casualty occurred .
20 Some fairy must have been in love with your father .
21 Lehmann must have been worth at least two billion yuan .
22 It is strange therefore that the signal box instruments revealed it as clear , the signal must have been at green , or had a heavy weight been lying across the signal wire ?
23 Welcome as the Cabinet 's new policy must have been to some Ministers in the Lords , such as Lord Pakenham , then Minister of Civil Aviation and an abolitionist to his fingertips , voting for suspension can not have been an agreeable experience for the unyieldingly retentionist Lord Chancellor , Jowitt .
24 That train must have been in ever so early . ’
25 She had said ‘ the rest of you ’ and I had never heard her so distance herself before , but what astonished me was the realisation that my father must have been at that party , must have returned with my mother to the villa in the small hours , must have been aware of me in my little white pyjamas and Panama hat .
26 Here the choice must have been between good lakes and less good lakes .
27 We forget what life must have been like for people without anaesthetics and painkillers .
28 He says for the first time in his life , he 's known what life must have been like for the old masters .
29 For example , if you look up the word " wit " in a Concordance to Congreve , you will find all the places where the seventeenth-century dramatist Congreve used that word ; you can then work out what its particular meaning for Congreve must have been by studying how he uses it .
30 MESSIEST DESK : Viscount Weymouth 's was reminiscent of what the world must have been like before they invented waste-paper baskets .
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