Example sentences of "[noun sg] seem [to-vb] [be] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Equity seems to have been prominent in your career very early on .
2 Editor , — The working party set up to make recommendations on a national standard of entry into general practice seems to have been unaware of European Community directive 86/457/EEC .
3 The advantages of such a close integration into the existing administration seems to have been obvious , as no doubt were those of a prominent site for a building which should be seen as the expression of a desire to give India a better government .
4 In Clovis 's case the sharpness of the break seems to have been remarkable .
5 The fact that they had contentious articles written with a fearless pungency seems to have been due to his joint editorship of both .
6 But within its strait parameters his religion seems to have been genuine enough .
7 Even at the time of Chlothar 's death the issue of the succession seems to have been undecided .
8 Some of this desire for peace seems to have been genuine , and not connected merely with the glory it might bring the President .
9 The content of the work seems to have been another source of enjoyment .
10 On the other hand , the influence of Comte 's Positive Philosophy seems to have been pervasive if often unacknowledged , and still surfaces in odd places ( see Alexander 1988 ) .
11 This one has Ionic columns and a balustrade , and the speaker 's gallery seems to have been right .
12 A few new guide-posts appeared here and there in the late seventeenth century , and an act of 1698 ordered justices to erect standing-posts at cross-roads ; but the act seems to have been ineffective .
13 Around the work of pasturing , clearing and ploughing , much of farming seems to have been little different from that of Romano-British society , although the contrast in lordly life styles is at least obvious to the historian .
14 Rather surprisingly , perhaps , the war seems to have been popular : Murimuth says there were more volunteers than conscripts in the army 's ranks , and Sir Thomas Gray of Heton , the author of the Scalacronica , recorded that there was no lack of enthusiasm for service even amongst the northerners .
15 The sitter seems to have been one of the more vapid society cocottes who sat for Vigee-Lebrun .
16 The English Association was set up to promote the maintenance of " correct use of English , spoken and written " , the recognition of English as " an essential element in the national education " , and the discussion of teaching methods and advanced study as well as the correlation of school with university work.48 From the beginning , personnel attached to the new Board of Education seem to have been sympathetic to the view of English as the most natural candidate to lead a mission of cultural renewal : at any rate , from its inception the English Association set out to ensure that such was the case .
17 Here , at least , the policies of special restraint seem to have been effective .
18 But the moral rules applied to men at the top seem to have been ambiguous .
19 Mettingham seems to have been fortunate to escape conviction during the so-called ‘ State Trials ’ of 1289–93 .
20 In that historical sequence , some organisms , such as humans , have appeared only very recently , and their past ancestry seems to have been one of rapid and quite dramatic change .
21 But such retaliation seems to have been powerless to harm him .
22 Alhred 's eclipse seems to have been total .
23 And looking round the hall tonight , I think I would be inclined to say that this occasion seems to have been successful in doing that .
24 Upon the facts the decision seems to have been correct so far as the rule in Rylands v. Fletcher goes , for all that the defendant had done was to plough up some forest land on which there had previously been no thistles but from which , for some unexplained reason , an immense crop of them sprang up in two successive years .
25 We are back into grey acres about Civil Service decentralization , for which the Commission seems to have been responsible .
26 Undoubtedly LEAs have reassessed their stance on accountability issues as a result of the Auld Report , but at school level the impact of the national debate seems to have been erratic .
27 But these early models , though ingenious , were no real threat to skilled hand composition , and their use seems to have been sporadic and eventually abandoned .
28 The impact seems to have been far and wide . ’
29 The same tenure seems to have been usual for officials in most lawcourts — except for the judges — and in such administrative departments as the Signet Office and the Privy Seal Office .
30 Belshaw seems to have been disappointed that he was not selected to fight an Assembly seat .
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