Example sentences of "[noun sg] look back [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Look , ’ said his Mum looking back at the house .
2 The master raconteur looks back at the many amusing moments of his 47-year career at the BBC .
3 Regression enables the former child to look back at the situation through the eyes of the adult he or she has now become and to see the reality of it all .
4 This month I 'd like to take the opportunity to look back at the current series of articles featuring the Pentatonic scale , taking stock of our command of the scale all over the fretboard .
5 I asked one member of a church planting team to look back on the experience .
6 The object of bereavement work with the elderly can be more one of continuing supportive intervention and understanding the old person 's need to look back over the past years and relationships than of expecting them to ‘ work through ’ their grief to its resolution .
7 The video looks back on the occupation of Latin America by Europeans and draws attention to the present situation of the millions of people throughout the continent who are suffering poverty and disease .
8 Somehow , after half an hour , I was at the top looking back at the sign which warned ‘ Rapide Descente 300 metres ’ .
9 ‘ We leave winter behind us , it seems , ’ Tagan said , turning in the saddle to look back at the still-white hills .
10 The opportunity to go away from the school and work in a different atmosphere and with people who might have a different perspective on the management of organizations would give me the chance to look back into the school more objectively and question some of the assumptions I had grown to accept .
11 He took them two at a time , pausing at the top to look back across the square .
12 The Duke looked back at the Prussian message .
13 Across the waters , the magnificent Peter and Paul Fortress looks back at the shoreline .
14 It was rather pathetic , like an ageing colonel looking back on the days of Empire .
15 A former sales manager looking back on the time he had to juggle with the moral and immoral balls of corporate demands said that :
16 Ace looked back at the TARDIS door and weighed the key thoughtfully .
17 Today , the Mirror looks back to the first tragic deaths in one of the world 's longest and more bitter conflicts .
18 The path leads down and around to a brick-paved seating area situated beneath a climber-covered arbour looking back towards the house .
19 Folly looked back at the list , but the names , in most cases just initial and surname , told her nothing .
20 When the Birmingham architect Joseph Crouch looked back on the nineteenth century , he reflected that ‘ the spirit of Evangelical religion in England has changed in a singular manner during the past fifty or sixty years .
21 The Sergeant looked back at the troopers .
22 The Doctor looked back from the short flight of steps leading down to the entry hall , and watched the TARDIS dematerialize with a feeling of pain at seeing his ship go without him .
23 In his second feature looking back on the regiment 's finest hours , Richard Barnett talks to the men who were proud to have served with the Glorious Glosters :
24 In the week after the election we asked our panel to look back Over the whole campaign and tell us how useful they had found television , the press , and other sources for : ( 1 ) helping decide what party leaders and personalities were really like ; ( 2 ) keeping them informed about the issues ; and ( 3 ) helping them decide how to vote .
25 There is a choice , but if you need a clue look back through the five editions of Environmental Issues !
26 This use of nursery rhyme looks back to The Waste Land with its ‘ London Bridge is falling down falling down falling down ’ and anticipates another explicit nursery rhyme which , in slightly distorted form , opens section V of ‘ The Hollow Men ’ .
27 The view looking back to the station and 61094 — its departure was at 16.20 .
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