Example sentences of "[noun sg] look [prep] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 If he had come by car , then she would n't have to endure the sight of him in all that black leather gear looking like something from Star Wars .
2 He stood within the doorway looking at her for a moment .
3 Hence photographs of herself taken by a lover look like lots of different women .
4 The priest looked at her with contempt .
5 The stranger looked at me with his good eye .
6 Pansy looked at her as if he was trying to work out how to combine her with deuterium and to calculate the effects of the resulting explosion .
7 In Hungary , the process industry looked to us for safety advice and provided our first contract in Eastern Europe .
8 The Corporal looked at me in amazement .
9 As I did so I became aware of a youngish man with long hair looking at me from the pavemented walk on the Hammersmith side of the river .
10 She could n't take any more of Naylor 's aggression , of Naylor looking at her with such dislike , of Naylor thinking she was anybody 's .
11 She held a candle aloft and saw the other child looking at her with eyes like saucers .
12 My feet got so hot and sweaty I took my trainers and socks off and walked along in my bare feet till I saw a traffic warden looking at me as if she 'd get me arrested .
13 Billie came awake , wondered where she was , saw the girl looking at her with concern .
14 She saw them standing at the window looking at someone in the garden with great interest .
15 It would be an idea to get a girl from the village to look after her at home for two or three weeks .
16 Having established the ICAEW 's position in the listed market , we decided to extend our work to look at which of the bodies regulated the auditors of large unlisted organisations .
17 Relatives always made disparaging remarks about me ‘ breaking the chain' of five boys , but consoled my parents that they at least had a girl to look after them in their old age .
18 While Oliver was eating , the strange boy looked at him from time to time with great attention .
19 The boy looked from one to the other of them and it was a moment or two before he could find his voice , then : ‘ I do n't know what you mean . ’
20 My own child looked through me with her wide , hazel , dark-fringed eyes and cut me dead .
21 Caretaker looked at him with distaste .
22 Topaz looked past him to Rossmayne , still talking to Benedicta .
23 The girl looked at him in wonder .
24 The other girl looked at her with an expression of dismay .
25 Angel looked at her in wonder .
26 The old lady looked at me in wonder and said , ‘ Nobody has ever asked me that before , but if you really would not be too cross I would rather you did not . ’
27 The Hospice sitting service helped Miss Farndale 's family during her illness ; offering support to look after her in her own home until he died .
28 Erm , Chair , I think when we come to the capital programme you will be proposing that the P A G advise you and the Director in terms of producing a package which meets those guidelines , erm , and given the opportunity to look at them in some detail .
29 The Prime Minister can not stand Enoch Powell 's steely and accusing eye looking at him across the table any more , and I 've had to move him down the side . ’
30 It was at that point that the stranger entered the dining-room , and stood for a moment looking round him as if in search of an acquaintance .
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