Example sentences of "[noun sg] look [adv] over [art] " in BNC.

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1 Babur looks out over the dark quiet trees to the white lights and feels at home .
2 We were in a car looking down over the Bay and I said I 've got to go out .
3 Below the attics was a back bedroom looking out over the flower garden , and so on to the main road beyond .
4 She sat down and leaned back against the rock looking out over the sweep of moorland .
5 There were no windows in the hut , but the open doorway looked out over the mountainside across the valley to the emerald paddy fields and , far away to the east , the village .
6 This time it was held in St Margaret 's Hope School , the newly built primary school in a commanding position on a hill above the village looking out over the sea .
7 Nader Nadirpur stood by the balcony window looking out over the avenue .
8 My room looks out over a croquet lawn , at the end of which is a pond thickly planted with papyrus — the eponymous plant always mentioned by school teachers in any history of written language — in which , I know with certainty , all hell will break loose as dusk falls .
9 Simone 's Studios command fantastic views of the coastline of mainland Greece and Albania , as they 're set up on a small hill looking out over the bay of Benitses .
10 It is a rambling Tudor house run by John and Margaret Parker , whose breakfast room and drawing room look out over a wonderful walled garden , beyond which fields of grazing cows stretch down to the river .
11 The object of bereavement work with the elderly can be more one of continuing supportive intervention and understanding the old person 's need to look back over the past years and relationships than of expecting them to ‘ work through ’ their grief to its resolution .
12 Set in the hillside just below the resort 's town centre , the Hotel Miramare looks out over the sea and the lovely bay of Mazzaro Beach .
13 Charity looked out over the balcony at the still black water towards the rocks .
14 I 'll do it for nothing — just my food and a bed in the attic looking out over the chimney-pots .
15 We were sitting in the window embrasure looking out over the laurustines , cupressus and other seemingly indestructible plants .
16 He had no wish to look out over the Shatt al-Arab , the narrow glistening strip that divided his country from the Islamic Republic of Iran .
17 But I thought , sitting there on the side of my bed looking out over the trash-filled street with the sound of the trucks grinding and roaring down the thoroughfare , that He must be something like the sun rising out of the ocean on a cloudless day .
18 At the front , two high curved windows gave a view of the square garden while at the rear one huge expanse of glass looked out over a stone wall with three niches , each containing a marble statue ; Venus , naked , one hand delicately shielding the mons Veneris , one pointing at her left nipple , a second female figure , half robed and wearing a wreath of flowers and , between them , Apollo with his lyre , laurel-crowned .
19 In the week after the election we asked our panel to look back Over the whole campaign and tell us how useful they had found television , the press , and other sources for : ( 1 ) helping decide what party leaders and personalities were really like ; ( 2 ) keeping them informed about the issues ; and ( 3 ) helping them decide how to vote .
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