Example sentences of "[noun sg] should be [adj] of " in BNC.

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1 Although the User 's Guide does give some help , the user should be aware of his/her monitor and printer specifications .
2 A meeting which just airs views is quite legitimate but every one present should be aware of it .
3 It is a disgraceful situation and the board should be ashamed of itself , ’ he said .
4 in fiction , the story should be capable of interpretation at a number of different levels , so that children can return to the book time and time again with renewed enjoyment in finding something new ;
5 First , any new source of revenue should be capable of producing a yield large enough to provide for the possibility of a substantial reduction in both grant and domestic rates .
6 The social worker utilizing Cognitive–Behaviour Therapy should be wary of its indiscriminate use .
7 An edit is therefore made at the start of each shot , and this means that the record machine should be capable of making clean edits , in other words , that it should have the backspace facility ( see page 35 ) .
8 The hardware of this music machine should be capable of playing back the composition in the sounds of the instruments for which it was written .
9 Perhaps the fairest approach would be that taken by D N Wood , in suggesting that acceptance requires that the work should be worthy of publication .
10 Chairman , there 's just one little point that I did speak to the Town Clerk and I think the Council should be aware of it .
11 4.22 Management should be aware of the vulnerability felt by residential staff because of the 24 hour , 7 day week operation of units .
12 A prerequisite for the effective planning of negotiations is that throughout the buying/selling process management should be aware of the factors which will affect the final form of the purchase agreement .
13 It is easy to read it with approval as support for the view that management should be considerate of the well-being and interests of employees , and would be well-advised to promote their participation in the discussion of them .
14 An acquisition provides immediate access to the local deposit market ( and lending opportunities ) while the existing management should be knowledgeable of the local economy .
15 When you start work your desk should be clear of paper .
16 This circuit should be capable of adaptation for use in synchronizing the speed of two engines when the engines are actually running .
17 A question should be free of ambiguity , precise and clear ; each question should express a single idea .
18 All I am suggesting is that the balancing exercise should be capable of being performed .
19 The Chancellor should be wary of the argument that the deficit does not matter because it is in the private sector .
20 Kadish has managed five-electron reductions of C60 ( although theory suggests that this molecule should be capable of accepting up to six electrons into its lowest unoccupied molecular orbital ) .
21 Even though the vendor may have taken this basic protection , the vendor should be aware of the decision of the Chancery Division in Goff v Gauthier 62 P & CR [ 1991 ] 388 .
22 Even if the words 'subject to contract " are used the purchaser should be wary of creating an ancillary contract .
23 It is thus most unlikely that the legislature intended that one person or body should be capable of being in both categories .
24 It is likely that any ‘ advance ’ paid by a record company will be in excess of the minimum level of income for compulsory VAT registration purposes , so the band should be aware of their obligation to register for VAT immediately .
25 As the prime resource in the classroom , the teacher should be conscious of his/her responsibility to lead pupils to a deeper understanding of the person of Jesus and of gospel values , sometimes at an individual level , sometimes at group level , sometimes at class level .
26 They may be seeing hs , or backwards s backwards h , or backwards h backwards s — the permutations are , in fact , considerable the more you think about it , and once again I 'd like to repeat that the teacher should be aware of the possibility that not all the class are actually seeing what she thinks they might be seeing .
27 The conventional method of recording orchestras was to place microphones throughout the ensemble ; Fine contended that given a hall with excellent acoustic properties , a single ultra-sensitive microphone should be capable of capturing the sound of a symphony orchestra with unprecedented clarity , balance and definition .
28 People approaching retirement should be aware of the possibilities of putting pressure on their employers to provide such courses for their staff in association with these bodies .
29 This firm wrote — ‘ The land is eminently sited for a golf course as it is nicely undulating and the soil dry , and with care and attention should be capable of producing a first-class turf . ’
30 In R. v. Monopolies and Mergers Commission , ex parte Argyll Group plc Lord Donaldson MR said that courts must show ‘ a proper awareness of the needs of public administration ’ : a court should be wary of striking down a decision if it is clear that the same decision would have been made even if the decision-maker had not acted unlawfully ; or if doing so would unduly delay the conduct of government business ; or if members of the public are likely already to have relied on the challenged decision ; or if the court thinks that the applicant 's motivation in making the application was improper or vexatious or frivolous .
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