Example sentences of "[noun sg] also [verb] by [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In one case , involving a GA mismatch , this technique , combined with a molecular dynamics simulation ( 9 ) , has been used to justify the presence of a B II conformation at the level of the mismatch , a conclusion also supported by crystallographic studies ( 10 ) .
2 Inversion also works by forbidding what you want the other to do : Iago will kill Cassio , but as for Desdemona — ‘ let her live ’ , he suggests , knowing that Othello will immediately say ‘ Damn her , lewd minx ! ’ and look for ‘ some swift means of death/For the fair devil ’ ( 475ff . ) .
3 So standardized is it that it is widely called ‘ the attitude test ’ ( a phrase also used by American police , see van Maanen 1978 ) , and when stopping members of the public constables are routinely instructed by colleagues to give the potential offender ‘ the attitude test ’ .
4 The PLO had failed to secure a halt to the building of Jewish settlements in the occupied territories as a pre-condition to Palestinian participation in any peace conference — a demand also made by pre-conference negotiators Ashrawi and Husseini and repeatedly rejected by Shamir .
5 The leaders and the activists were no doubt also motivated by personal ambition and by a jealous regard for their own organizations but , at various crisis points , many were willing to subordinate their own ambitions to the greater goal of ‘ saving Ulster ’ .
6 I would like to see that view also accepted by statutory agencies and service provision by voluntary agencies properly integrated into service with future funding requirements properly identified and secured .
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