Example sentences of "[noun sg] just because [pron] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Above all , make an effort not to develop psychological reactions to chemicals — never assume that you are going to react to a chemical just because you have in the past .
2 There 's no animosity within my region on the fact that one person felt one thing and one felt another and as democratic trade unionists there should n't be any in-fighting or animosity just because we need to discuss something on which we disagree .
3 Would you really play around with a five-year-old 's future just because you have a grudge against me ? ’
4 Do n't abandon hope just because you think oh dear , I ca n't find my receipt .
5 Unlike some holiday companies , we do n't believe in always charging you more money just because you do n't fill up an apartment .
6 They pursue reliability just because they know it leads to lower costs and increased market share .
7 ‘ You get people in tears coming into the pub just because they have got here at last .
8 ‘ Most men think Cleo is a boy just because I do n't dress her in pink frocks . ’
9 In all seriousness , I ask the Government not to deride the strong arguments for a local income tax just because they happen to be advanced by what they call minority parties .
10 They either automatically assume we 're just backing singers or we 're a folk outfit just because we use harmonies and acoustic guitars . ’
11 Lastly , to say I do n't enjoy life just because I fight for things I believe in is incorrect .
12 " Would you have me get a heart attack just because you have n't the sense to put on a dress fitting for your age ? "
13 I do n't deny feelings of happiness just because I do n't write about them .
14 If you pray for liberty then you may get relief just because you pray , or because things happen anyhow which bring you liberty .
15 We do n't destroy humour just because we seek to understand it .
16 No reason why you should be treated like bone chine just because you 've had a baby , for goodness sake .
17 ‘ It 's all right , Shannon , you wo n't burn in hell just because you dare to say the words . ’
18 That construction is intended to ensure that the courts do not substitute their view for that of the administrator just because they believe that a different conclusion would be more reasonable .
19 Young children may lay claim to possession just because they happen to be playing with , say , a car or doll .
20 And I 'm trying to get it through your arrogant skull that I 'm not in the market for a casual roll in the hay just because we happen to be sharing a villa for a few days ! ’
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