Example sentences of "[noun sg] when [pron] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We could find no evidence that these risks had been explicitly recognised by the department when they decided in 1988 to proceed with the system .
2 Fran wished that it had been further away , wished that she 'd had more time to compose herself and remove all traces of that kiss , but as she opened the door and got out of the car when they stopped in front of the neat little semi she was aware of the throbbing redness of her bruised lips , the faintly dishevelled state of her silvery hair .
3 ( The whole school , including the teachers , always wore their hair loose when they dressed in their best robes . )
4 Confirmation of this was to be found in Geoff 's continued success in the full England international side when he appeared in Graham Taylor 's starting line-up for both the post-season matches at Wembley and then distinguished himself in all four games on the Australasian tour .
5 The two gunmen triggered a massive search when they fled in a stolen car and opened fire on pursuing officers .
6 The two gunmen triggered a massive search when they fled in a stolen car and opened fire .
7 The process , which a highly skilled operator controls through a keyboard , itself caused a revolution in the printing industry when it appeared in the 1890s , putting many hand composers out of a job .
8 Some adjectives — notably superlatives , comparatives , and ordinals — appear to give a grammatically acceptable result when they occur in predicative position accompanied by an article : ( 16 ) Larry 's answer was the rudest Waddington Junior was a third [ e.g. boy caught cheating ] the rat was the other [ e.g. animal which solved the maze ] Analogous sentences with most adjectives would be quite ungrammatical , even though it would sometimes be easy to see what the sentence " ought " to mean , as in the first case of ( 17 ) for instance : ( 17 ) Larry 's answer was the rude [ e.g. out of those we received ] a red coathanger was the noticeable The reason for these facts is , ultimately , that the superlatives , comparatives and ordinals are unlike other adjectives in being inherently restrictive , and always presupposing what we may call an extraction set , within which the restriction is exercised .
9 Having suffered a rare whitewash when they met in last season 's Asian Open qualifiers , the world champion was relieved to clinch a 1-0 lead in their Humo European Open quarter-final .
10 Kohl and the French President François Mitterrand had already appealed for emergency aid when they met in Assmannshausen on June 22 , and on the same day West Germany announced that it had agreed to guarantee a DM5,000 million ( approximately US$2,980 million ) loan to the Soviet Union . )
11 Schlesinger first thought him wrong for Ratso , but changed his mind when they met in New York .
12 Before sleeping I wonder what Pascal had in mind when he wrote in the Pensées : ‘ Time heals griefs and quarrels , for we change and are no longer the same persons .
13 It was renewed after one month and was still in force when I left in December 1983 .
14 Usually they have few if any memories of being comforted on a lap , tossed in the air by their father ( why do men toss babies and women so rarely ? ) , delicious bathing times with games and squeals of delight , and well-earned praise and parental pleasure when they excreted in nappy or pot .
15 I was not a Theosophist when I arrived in Sydney .
16 That means more home helps , more meals on wheels and more money available for home improvement grants for the disabled.The future of the threatened homes will be discussed by the social services committee when it meets in two weeks .
17 ‘ Langstrath in Borrowdale is a particular favourite and I have painted that one lots of times , ’ he says Mr Healey , aged 57 , who lives in Kirkleatham Avenue , Redcar , left his job and enrolled on a teaching degree course at Teesside College of Education , to combine his love of painting with his desire to share the skill When he qualified in 1974 , he started teaching art at St. Thomas ' School , Middlesbrough , before moving to St. Peter 's Roman Catholic School , South Bank , where he has taught for 13 years .
18 In 1982 , he sacked on the spot several high-ranking officials for failing to maintain an adequate food supply to the main market in Bucharest — as if it was their fault that there was nothing to show the General-Secretary when he put in a surprise inspection visit .
19 On the other hand , despite the tone of much of the political debate in the United Kingdom , it should be said at the outset that questions such as the transfer of powers ( or sovereignty ) to the Community , the direct application and direct effect of Community law , and the correlative theory of the primacy of such provisions of Community law when they conflict with provisions of national law , were all established aspects of Community law when we joined in 1973 , and are not new problems relating to Maastricht .
20 Mr H knew nothing about the new law when he arrived in the UK .
21 The pensioner had a handbag containing £400 ripped from her grasp when he struck in Old Roan .
22 Irish forward Mick Galwey really felt at home when he arrived in New Zealand last weekend .
23 Ronnie Dunn first took the interest of the Crystal Palace management when he appeared in goal for the British Army in a thrilling 5–4 clash with their French counterparts at Selhurst Park on 23 February 1929 , and again when the Belgian Army provided the opposition a year later .
24 Moritz , a Polish boy born in Cologne , was a smiling , good-looking child when he arrived in June 1939 .
25 There were no aircraft available for air drops at that stage of the war in the desert , which was a pity when one bears in mind that only two years later SAS parties operated in France for anything up to two months behind enemy lines , totally reliant on parachuted stores .
26 ALAN LEONARD aims to add another string to his bow when he plays in the Irish National Pairs championship finals in Blackrock , County Dublin next weekend .
27 What news will Chancellor Norman Lamont have for the motorist when he rises in the House of Commons next Tuesday to deliver his budget speech ?
28 Knox hopes that the relationship formed through the project with the schools will encourage children to come with their parents or teachers to the gallery when it reopens in July .
29 He took holy orders as a deacon in 1826 , and was immediately appointed junior chaplain of Wadham College , but had to relinquish the post when he married in 1831 .
30 Impounded by airline staff , the squirters were returned to the band when they arrived in London .
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