Example sentences of "[noun sg] when [verb] [prep] an " in BNC.

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1 The attack was based on a number of strands of evidence , including the fact that activation of the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system was too diffuse to underpin the range of subtle emotional experiences of which we are capable , and the observation that severing the spinal cord in dogs does not prevent them displaying facial signs of emotion when provoked in an appropriate way .
2 He reminded everyone that good often comes out of change dictated by environmental considerations , for example his own company became involved in titanium dioxide extraction when looking for an alternative to white lead .
3 It can also reduce stiffness and increase mobility when practised by an experienced therapist .
4 Its usual reaction when abused by an attacker is to tear out its own hair rather than attempt to bite .
5 NPVs can be used to choose between two projects by comparing the cash surplus when discounted at an agreed rate .
6 adhere to the rules relating to health and safety when working in an Overdrive office .
7 It will also take air from the surface when kept in an aquarium , which is another good reason to have sliding glass covers .
8 But this is hardly a convincing argument when produced by an organisation that collects some £130 million , even if it also proposes to give those of its members whose works are performed outside ‘ significant venues ’ a flat fee of £75 a year .
9 Even a valance or pelmet will be given an extra highlight when edged with an attractive fringing or braid .
10 Some Libyans were afraid of secret police , and took precautions when criticizing the government in private conversation , for example when talking to an anthropologist .
11 This is satisfactory enough , though it is often necessary to perch the tripod on top of a platform or a solid table , as otherwise you will have to be something of a contortionist when looking at an object high in the sky ( incidentally , the same is true of a small refracting telescope ) .
12 Children under 2 years of age are fully covered by the insurance when travelling with an insured person .
13 Children under two years of age at the date of return are fully covered by this insurance when travelling with an Insured Person .
14 A separate heat shield is used with the small plate , which is also useful for cleaning walls and upholstery when used with an insert sponge pad and cleaning bonnet .
15 It is much easier to advocate such a policy ( i.e. to avoid making hasty decisions ) on the ground than it is to execute it in the air when presented with an unusual emergency .
16 The drug is a safe and effective painkiller when used as an anaesthetic but can be lethal in capsule or tablet form .
17 Mair ( 1990 : 155 ) adds a further observation : The most pointed example of the temporal reorientation forced by the presence of an infinitival complement clause is provided by the verb thank , which turns into its own antonym when followed by an infinitive , changing its meaning from " express gratitude for a benefit received " to " ask " — as in I 'll thank you to be quiet .
18 Infants under 2 at time of departure are covered without cost when travelling with an insured person .
19 A passage from Notes Towards the Definition of Culture , relying on ideas from 1913 , hints how the poet was using his anthropological reading when discussing in an anthropological context the difference between imaginative understanding and lived experience .
20 This is the quickest method , and achieves the effect of a chest harness when placed under an upward load , as is desirable in a crevasse fall .
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