Example sentences of "[noun sg] take [adv prt] from the " in BNC.

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1 The coalition took over from the Vietnam-backed Hun Sen government which rescued Kampuchea after the demise of Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge in 1979 .
2 Peter then approaches the blackboard on which he writes the date , 5 November : this is the cue for the jazz to take over from the calypso ( in more strident tones than before ) as an indication of the disturbing events which follow .
3 The industry 's expansion is the result of the IDA 's efforts to create a new industry to take over from the ailing assembly , light manufacturing , and textile industries that started Ireland 's industrialisation in the early 1950s .
4 In the summer , athletics , cricket and tennis take over from the winter sports .
5 He became a member of the emasculated politburo when the invasion took place taking over from the wretched Mr Dubcek in April 1969 after branding him and his team ‘ extremists and rightwing forces . ’
6 Something glassy and indistinct passed over Rincewind 's head , throwing up a cloud of ashes from the fire , and the pig carcass took off from the spit and rocketed into the sky .
7 A body to take over from the Wagner Development Group .
8 A young man in an immaculate dark blue suit took over from the young woman who had met them at the elevator and led them into a vast room , furnished with antiques .
9 He dashed into the nearest shop doorway at the cab took off from the kerb again and accelerated away down the street .
10 EXACTLY a fortnight after his unscheduled South Bank recital debut , when he was invited at the last minute to take over from the indisposed Krystian Zimerman , the young Argentinian pianist Nelson Goerner was back at the Festival Hall to replace the temperamental Martha Argerich in a Mozart concerto with the Philharmonia and conductor Claus Peter Flor .
11 Every day the brave and clever assistant takes over from the master , whose slackness and lack of seriousness demotes him from the rank which seemed to be permanently his . ’
12 There is erm a chap down our road had a had a huge dog and when he when he took it for a walk , you know he used to he used to stagger along with him and my wife used to say there he goes again , the do what was it she used to say , the dog 's taking the man for a walk again and it i do you think it 's that sort of idea you know that in some households th the dog takes over from the er sort of central figure , even the dominant figure , things hinge round the dog , you know the holiday what shall we do with the dog , pouring down with rain but the dog has to go out for its walk and somebody has to take it .
13 Taking their lead from the ‘ gee-whizzers ’ of American journalism , a more colourful , gossipy style of writing took over from the rather self-consciously poetic late Victorian style with its ‘ hapless custodians ’ and ‘ leather spheroids ’ .
14 British Aerospace took over from the Minstry of Defence and the work reduced .
15 The same effects can be achieved with an 000 size sable brush and very often the point at which the brush takes over from the pen is indiscernible .
16 Ever since the Pill took over from the sheath in availability and popularity , the onus of responsibility has fallen even more heavily on women .
17 Our link with Civil Affairs Service ( Burma ) in Delhi was Colonel Leslie Glass , and plans were so laid that when the civil government took over from the military , there should be an easy transition from the initial operation under the military .
18 Polish nationalism , as Rosa Luxemburg pointed out to Lenin on several occasions , was unusual in that it was not primarily a bourgeois phenomenon , but rather a substitute for ideology taken over from the szlachta by the Polish peasantry as they and the lower ranks of the gentry coalesced to form an industrial working class and a commercial bourgeoisie.14 An important component of Polish political life , and part of the damage wrought by partition , was the continuing failure to produce an ideology that went beyond the purely national to link the aspiration to exist as an independent nation with either capitalist organisation or a socialist vision of society .
19 The thing about the solo is that it should really be a chance for the guitar to take over from the vocalist and really hit you in the heart like vocals can , and I 'm sorry but these heavy metal solos can never really hit you because it 's just music by numbers . ’
20 Bath 's No.8 is the favourite to take over from the British Lion after Leicester confirmed yesterday that Richards would miss the rest of the season .
21 The stampable consideration will be increased by the amount of the liabilities which Target takes over from the transferor company ( see s57 Stamp Act 1891 ) .
22 This is where systems technology took over from the tools , and the change of emphasis may prove to have been programmed learning 's greatest gift to education .
23 At what point did the Labour Party take over from the Liberal Party as the second party of government ?
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