Example sentences of "[noun sg] take [pron] to the " in BNC.

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1 Pink took her to the garden and showed her the rose arch .
2 Her half-sister took her to the police .
3 A white limousine took them to the church .
4 Yeah , having some dinner , well we did n't have any did we , cos mummy took you to the pictures with nanny
5 She went round to her former home in Hardwicke , Gloucestershire , where she was beaten unconscious by Probyn , who put her back into her Renault 19 car took her to the River and some how pushed her in .
6 The car took us to the Monument , and then we saw the Worm . ’
7 He found that they were suddenly eating pizza and jokingly said oh they might have got him one , so one of them used a police car to take him to the nearest all night pizza place and then he walked back to the airport and waited , having done a deal with the one taxi driver who was there , and he and shared a taxi , arriving home c. 0215 and then proceeded to have a meal of a MASS of pasta and sauce previously made by me , and of a type which both boys always ask day in day out when here or there !
8 Oh he might be away for thre , cos I know he had golf at the Belfry this week , and then when he comes back he 's being picked up by a car to take him to the Belfry again , cos we 're entertaining there for a weekend 's golf .
9 This meant they must have had a hired car to take them to the airport or have gone by tube .
10 They waited in her suite at the Richemond for the hire car to take them to the airport .
11 As soon as it 's possible I 'll have a car take you to the airport .
12 When doctors announced that there was a glimmer of hope , Raine organized a private ambulance to take him to the National Hospital for Nervous Diseases in Queen Square , central London where for several months he lay in a coma .
13 The two men , who had escaped from a coach taking them to the magistrates ' court in Reading , were taken to hospital to have their broken arms set in plaster .
14 A further door led off to the right , with a tiled passage taking her to the bathroom , and another large square room at the end , which was probably the dining-room .
15 ‘ And now — and again because of my wife 's insistence , because of her concern for your health — I have hired a conveyance to take you to the railway station at Skipton . ’
16 A taxi service is always available at the Transport Interchange to take you to the University .
17 Surkov signed the bill for our teas , and it was time to board the coach to take us to the late-afternoon theatrical performance .
18 STEP 8 CAPTION — Using the command Tools , Macros , Record takes you to the Record Macro dialog box .
19 My lead takes me to the Butcher Building .
20 it was , it was actually there was a programme on television and my husband took me to the doctor and he said he felt I 'd been on it too long , I 'd been on it about six months and when I come off it , I come off it pretty quick and I ended up erm I did n't know what was wrong with me and it ended up I 've now got epilepsy , and they did n't know if it was caused through erm I took a stroke about three four month after that and then I got the epilepsy as well , so they do n't know if that me coming off it
21 His service in the Royal Artillery in the Second World War took him to the Middle East , and there he was able to develop his interest in military architecture through the study of the citadel at Damascus , and the siege of the crusader castle of Krak des Chevaliers .
22 We found that the walk to Fuglafjell was farther ( and much rougher ) than we had anticipated , so we persuaded a fisherman to take us to the bird cliffs in his boat .
23 The war was just over , and she was climbing aboard an RAF transport to take her to the demobilisation centre .
24 And then , after I 'd gone round to Tesco 's I went to see to collect grandma to take her to the train .
25 'Cos he took them boots and it was my job to take them to the big house for the gentleman . ’
26 Mum takes me to the doctor , our village doctor , who weighs me and mumbles about taking dieting too far and makes me an appointment as an outpatient at the hospital .
27 The haul up the corrie takes you to the first peak , Tom na Gruagaich , from where you must drop down and follow the ridge to the summit of Beinn Alligin , and although that 's where we packed it in , the walk could continue along a stunning ridge to cross the famous horns of Alligin , two pointy crags that stand like gateposts over a terrifying gully .
28 Madame took her to the City Library in Nîmes , a gaunt , dark building with high shutters behind grilles and dusty leather books , ceiling high .
29 The taxi took her to the airport .
30 With military-style precision , one gunman stayed to guard the man 's family , while the other took him to the Banque de France where at least four others were waiting .
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