Example sentences of "[noun sg] who has [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Yet it is hard to see why this defendant who has succeeded in terrorising a victim into submission should be any less guilty of rape than the man who threatens a woman that if she does not submit he will , there and then , overcome her resistance .
2 No mention is ever made of any of the basic principles of homoeopathy and the undergraduate who has heard of the subject is likely to qualify with an inbuilt prejudice against it which will be difficult for him or her to overcome later on .
3 There may be a booklet on the subject , a special expert in the technical department who has sat on the relevant government fact-finding commission or a market research survey giving the latest market trends , any of which would help the journalists far more than the standard handouts .
4 Fr Denis Faul , a Catholic priest who has campaigned against excesses by the security forces , said the appointment was ‘ rather unfortunate ’ .
5 , SE region poultry adviser who has retired after 22 years service and more than 750,000 miles !
6 DR GIBSON is a psychologist who has written on hypnotism and on Hans Eysenck .
7 MOLLY PICON , the diminutive Jewish-American actress who has died at Lancaster , Pennsylvania , aged 93 , was the leading exponent of Yiddish drama during its golden age in New York in the early part of the century ; an outstanding performer on the international variety stage between the World Wars ; and a notable legitimate player on Broadway and in London in the 1960s and 1970s .
8 At the end of the poem Coleridge see himself almost as a shamanic figure who has returned from a prophetic trance , someone whose duty is to spread ‘ the milk of Paradise ’ .
9 Prof MANOLIS ANDRONIKOS , the Greek archaeologist who has died at Salonika aged 72 , made one of the great archaeological discoveries of the century when in 1977 he found the tomb of King Philip II of Macedon , the warrior father of Alexander the Great .
10 Equally you will not need an application form , except possibly for the record , if you are seeing a single applicant who has applied for the job ‘ on spec . ’
11 Brad Beitel , the chief technical officer is a 25-year IBM veteran who has focused on multimedia since the early 1980s .
12 No particular accent is asked for , but Mike is not the conventional public school type who has gone to Cambridge .
13 For example , a qualified electrician who has worked for thirty years in that profession could be forced to take an ACE post .
14 Dickie ‘ Darling ’ Attenborough is a lovely bloke who has produced with Chaplin a professional but overlong and formulaic exercise in hagiography which lets The Little Tramp off the hook at every turn .
15 On the other hand Imamu is a very unrestricted boy who has lived in Harlem for the majority of his life doing what ever he liked with whom ever he liked .
16 It is incumbent upon the researcher to explain clearly at the very onset why the research is being done , what sort of results are hoped for and what feedback there is likely to be which may help the potentate and/or expert who has helped with the project .
17 Sally Grace , a dialogue coach who has taught at RADA , has been sent down to Eldorado 's £2 million set in southern Spain to help improve the actors ' diction .
18 But I shall certainly be looking into the circumstances of the provider who has written to me .
19 Where possible a subject specialist who has worked with an ESL tutor or team is also involved .
20 If you want to be more popular , be ready with a small prize for each child who has succeeded in doing
21 That this particular dybbuk has fallen in love — not with Lil , the magnificent , many-talented , shape-shifting demon queen who has lusted after her for millenia — but with one ordinary , down-to-earth , mortal dyke .
22 Despite the lines round her mouth and the flecks of grey in her hair , there was a bloom in her cheeks and her eyes shone like those of a girl who has fallen in love for the first time .
23 Elena returns to Rudby A sporting afternoon at Stokesley tomorrow will raise money for a four-year-old Lithuanian girl who has returned to this country for medical treatment .
24 But I ca n't see her beating the progressive NODFORM WONDER who has won with his head in his chest twice recently .
25 ( 9 ) A member of a licensing board who has ceased to be a member of the authority by whom he was appointed by reason of an ordinary election to the council of that authority shall continue to be a member of the board until the first meeting of the council after the election .
26 You know , the monk who has jumped over his monastery wall , Martin Luther . ’
27 Also invested as an OBE was Paul Davies , the ITN correspondent who has reported from some of the world 's troublespots during a 23-year career .
28 ‘ These hospitals are essential in an area like this where many older people find themselves a long way from their family , ’ says Dr David Skerrett , a GP who has practised in Fowey , Cornwall , for 30 years and plans to stay put for his retirement .
29 They also include the rights of beneficiaries when any fiduciary owner is the registered proprietor ; the rights and interest of a buyer who has asked for registration of title in the name of a nominee ; and the right of a buyer whose contract has not been registered on the seller 's title .
30 The record buyer who has fallen in love with the band , and goes to see them play , is often disappointed by a lacklustre show .
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