Example sentences of "[noun sg] who have [vb pp] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He remembered the many faces of Sylvie , the child-woman with the mischievous glance who had stolen apples in the Paris market , the girl he had obsessively trailed , the passionate creature who had boldly come to his flat and pleasured him to the point of pain , the frightened child who pushed him away and clung to him simultaneously .
2 The likelihood of a hard-up , poorly-paid soldier who had left town for good ever returning to pay his debts was negligible .
3 Today he is an accomplished musician who has won awards for piano playing .
4 ‘ Miss Joanna G is one of hundreds of single women in the borough who have sacrificed career and marriage to care for elderly parents at home .
5 It also occurred to him that this precaution eliminated the likelihood of ever finding a witness who had seen Sandy arriving in her Jaguar at the bell tower close to dawn .
6 In another case , the Court of Appeal held that a prosecution had been properly discontinued when a defendant had taken out a private prosecution for perjury against a witness who had given evidence against him at committal proceedings .
7 The only witness who had identified Philip Drew as the bloodstained man in Cross Street shortly after six was Alice James .
8 Caught in what promised to be a whirlpool of conflicting dogmatic beliefs , Eric , who did n't care either way so long as I was happy , went off to see Mgr O'Flaherty , a well-known priest who had given help and shelter to large numbers of escaping prisoners-of-war and was now an important figure in the Holy Office .
9 I turned round to see who was speaking , it was the Corporal who had mentioned Lovat being wounded .
10 Maria Callias , a psychologist who has studied peer relationships , says that parents can help children avoid getting into a pattern of unhealthy relationships .
11 The appointment of Olszewski , a lawyer who had defended dissidents during Communist rule , was approved by the Sejm on Dec. 6 .
12 A young actress who had taken LSD was having a bummer .
13 ( Article 37 provides that a carrier who has paid compensation in compliance with the provisions of this Convention , shall be entitled to recover … from the other carriers who have taken part in the carriage …
14 This was put up to £50 in 1813 — peanuts to Miss Grove , a formidable spinster who had inherited £10,000 from her father when she was twelve .
15 Marriage to a middle-aged art critic who has turned dealer .
16 Joseph M. McDade , a Republican congressman who had represented Pennsylvania for 30 years , was on May 5 charged with racketeering , conspiracy and falsifying his financial disclosure statements .
17 ‘ But , to articulate the apparent principle underlying the section more precisely it is surely envisaged in each of the five cases where the section authorises refunds of amounts paid in respect of rates which would otherwise be irrecoverable that the ratepayer who has paid rates in compliance with a demand note which he might have successfully resisted may appropriately be relieved of the consequences of his oversight .
18 The appellant was a South African citizen who had left South Africa to avoid apprehension for a burglary .
19 If anyone was to take on the role of the state police it would be the Metropolitan Police Force who have got experts and if say something happened in Manchester like an I R A bombers left some bombs in Manchester , experts from the Metropolitan Police would go to Manchester to help out , they 're what 's known as the Anti-Terrorist Squad
20 Froken Malling worked with a new entrant , a Norwegian who had taken advantage of the Germans ’ relatively relaxed attitude to the Scandinavian students there .
21 The Senate ethics committee rebuked Senator Mark Hatfield ( Rep. , Oregon ) on Aug. 12 for " improper conduct " in accepting and failing to disclose gifts and travel expenses from a former university president who had sought Hatfield 's assistance support in gaining a government grant .
22 The front door of the hotel looked out on John F. Kennedy Square , a wide-open space of seats and gardens named after the American President who had visited Galway in 1963 .
23 Kerrey , a distinguished Vietnam veteran who had lost part of a leg in combat , had castigated Clinton as unelectable because of his avoidance of service in Vietnam .
24 The chap who 'd called out was the one in the pub who 'd told Mary Mauchline to go and rattle her can , the same Mary Mauchline he now held in his arms .
25 Recommendations for exemptions are made only for experienced and distinguished teachers of law who have established links with the profession .
26 President Lee Tung-hui , a native Taiwanese who had succeeded Chiang Ching-kuo in 1988 , had been nominated in February 1990 as the KMT presidential candidate .
27 When the locum who had visited Allison at home heard about her multiple miscarriages , she suggested Allison should ask to be referred to the Recurrent Miscarriage Clinic at Pembury Hospital in Kent .
28 Angry crowds would curse George I , Whigs and Dissenters , the Duke of Marlborough ( a warmonger , and the man widely believed to be responsible for encouraging George I to show all his favour to the Whigs ) , and often even William III , whilst reserving their cheers for James III , the Duke of Ormonde ( the Tory who had replaced Marlborough as Captain-General of the Land Forces in 1712 ) , Dr Sacheverell , and the Church of England .
29 He 's a Tory who 's criticized Thamesdown council over its finances and about statues they 've approved around the borough .
30 Joan had met Sir James Tyrell — the constable who had replaced Brackenbury — and she had found him pleasant enough when Alianor had presented him to her .
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