Example sentences of "[noun sg] who [be] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The distinction between those cases and this is that the lawyer for the other can immediately attack the one — there is somebody there to protect the reputation of each defendant who is in the court — but in a case such as that which has affected my hon. and learned Friend the Member for Leicester , West , there is no such opportunity to defend oneself .
2 They say officers did n't call a vital witness who was in the room where Wiltshire was stabbed .
3 Tell granddad who was in the house yesterday morning when we woke up can you remember ?
4 There are many and varied ways of sensing who 's on the up ( and down ) in the Parliamentary Labour Party .
5 The US was yesterday sheltering on its bases at least two participants in the coup attempt who were among the few to escape death or capture .
6 On off-duty garda who was in the bank knocked the burning man to the ground and doused the flames with a fire extinguisher .
7 Although you can do all the water plumbing side yourself , the gas fitting should be left to a qualified gas fitter who is on the register of the Confederation for the Registration of Gas Installers .
8 However , the evidence of the fireman who was on the footplate of the engine that was hauling the express disproved the allegations of the railway company , for he had seen them together on the train after it had arrived at Birmingham New Street Station around 2.30 when the children had waved at him .
9 Henry II of Germany incurred ecclesiastical disapproval by entering into an alliance with heathen Slavs against Christian Poles , while his French contemporary Robert the Pious repudiated his first wife and took a second who was within the forbidden degrees of kinship .
10 The only is that bloke who 's on the ten o'clock news
11 Yeah , that 's that bloke who was on the bike
12 I think the brother 's the bloke who was in The Philadelphia Story . ’
13 Clifford and another constable who was in the car got down to the foreshore as quickly as they could on the offchance that the man was alive and needed help , but they soon saw that he was n't .
14 The story centres on Giorgio , a successful eye-surgeon working in Paris and his alter egos : his much younger brother Piero , who is caught up in the obscure ‘ manoeuvres ’ going on in Sicily ( it will turn out that he has sabotaged an American helicopter and is on the run ) , and Charles , a 12-year-old boy who is at the centre of the whole story .
15 Meanwhile the mother of a nine-year-old boy who was from the same town and died in a ski-ing accident , is being cared for by a church group .
16 Today a drugs expert who 's on the drugs abuse advisory committee of the Sports Council said the council
17 I ONCE asked Ross Clarke-Jones — a laconic Australian who was on the Tour but also liked to surf big Waimea — which would be his ultimate experience : a big wave or a tube ?
18 He stood in the middle of the room , surveying Jehan , and the guard who was beside the door eyed him nervously .
19 There is no power to make a care or supervision order in respect of a child who is over the age of 17 years , or 16 years if married .
20 A child who is under the age of 5 and who is likely to have a learning difficulty when s/he reaches that age also has a learning difficulty .
21 That girl who was in the elevator plunged on the ninth floor she plunged a thousand feet to the sub-basement or there 's massive big springs on it apparently , I read about it .
22 As a result of this incident , the Police have appealed to any railway enthusiasts or photographer who were in the area on the day to report any strange or unusual activities about the WSR lines .
23 There must be quite a number of members from the university who are in the chorus .
24 No the other chappie who 's on the course next week
25 None of the original team who were with the women at the time of the move still work at their flat .
26 Their anger or fear antedates even that of the young infant who is in the process of integrating its pre-verbal behaviour with ill-formed vocal utterances ( although we might well wish to stretch a point and allow the inclusion of the Ameslan apes , particularly Lucy , up to , but not beyond , this point ) .
27 D J Taylor — who had a heated exchange with Lawrence Norfolk , a BOYB author who was in the audience — captured the mood of the debate : ‘ I think the real importance of the promotion lies in the fact that it draws people 's attention to British fiction , and provides the backdrop for a much wider discussion about the relative decline of the English novel since the Second World War . ’
28 But erm I 've spent sort of twelve months trying to cope with snippets about S A T S. And his previous teacher who was in the second year , is a really good , very conscientious teacher .
29 University protocol means it 's not possible for a degree to be collected by proxy , but the attention her nomination brings to her cause is welcomed by her husband who was at the ceremony .
30 : I was in Singapore with my husband who was in the services .
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