Example sentences of "[noun sg] who [verb] into the " in BNC.

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1 Parity expects to sell to end users and have the boxes rebranded by an integrator who sells into the petrochemical industry .
2 Ironically it was Distillery who settled into the game and looked dangerous in a brief spell midway through the first half but in the space of two minutes Stephen Baxter 's shot was touched away by Kevin McKeown and midfielder Philip Mitchell 's header landed on the roof of the net .
3 A DEAF woman with speech difficulties was stunned , sexually assaulted and stabbed repeatedly by a killer who got into the flat where she lived alone , a court was told yesterday .
4 One such group were the Cincars , descendants of a people of Romanian origin who moved into the Balkans during the early days of Turkish rule .
5 The Lincoln 's driver was a uniformed constable who climbed into the sunlight to open the car door for Billingsley .
6 Crippled … the boy who dived into the shallow end of a swimming pool .
7 Like the lady who came into the shop one day and asked for a bottle of ‘ blue ’ .
8 The poor little rich girl who got into the FBI through her father 's influence and who would now be married to some rich Miami socialite had it not been for the timely intervention of Colonel Philpott , who was pressed into giving her a job with UNACO .
9 But in the end , it was Mum who broke into the circle of silence .
10 A COACH driver who climbed into the cab of his ‘ lethal weapon ’ for a 300-mile trip while almost three times over the drinks limit was sent to jail yesterday .
11 Police are still trying to trace the gang who broke into the authority 's offices in Hollyhurst Road , Darlington , on Friday night .
12 Scuffles broke out everywhere as our officers came out of hiding and pounced on six members of the gang who bolted into the woods and sand dunes around the bay before being rounded up with the assistance of police dogs .
13 Mr Baird is a chartered accountant who moved into the software business .
14 An autocrat falls in the first two books ; but the only one in the third is the author-autocrat of the hotel room who sallies into the bush , as if on impulse , to visit the mysterious , moveable ‘ front ’ .
15 Yet such lack of judgement does not justify the thief who breaks into the car and steals the radio or the hooligan who takes off on a joy ride .
16 The reviewer grudgingly found amusement in the tale of a pub-crawling young bridegroom who strolled into the bar while his wife was donning the mauve chiffon nightgown that was to excite him .
17 People just said that Elsie was the woman who fell into the river and drowned .
18 As the story of a white woman who rides into the Mexican mountains to be sacrificed , naked and unprotesting , to the god of the Indians in order to maintain for them ‘ The mastery that man must hold , and that passes from race to race ’ , this piece , particularly when contrasted with Sweeney Agonistes , makes clear the essential difference between Eliot 's interest in the savage and that of Lawrence .
19 Another admirer , a woman who went into the mission field , recalled that ‘ the silence of a great congregation , held by the power of an eloquence which we felt rather than understood , endued him with an ‘ other-worldliness ’ which could not be explained ’ .
20 So Sinead O'Connor — probably our last remaining real rock star , a maverick , a 1000 per cent attack merchant constantly taking convention by the neck and shaking it the way a terrier shakes a rat , the woman who stormed into the Irish PM 's office over the abortion issue , who refused to sing the US national anthem , who correctly pointed out that George Bush leaves Saddam Hussein standing in the mass-murder stakes , who has exposed her own sad past in vivid , gory detail , whose every record has fully stretched and excited the expectations of her audience — has released a version of Loretta Lynn 's maudlin Country classic .
21 Strictly , this is what is known as the weak cosmic censorship hypothesis : it protects observers who remain outside the black hole from the consequences of the breakdown of predictability that occurs at the singularity , but it does nothing at all for the poor unfortunate astronaut who falls into the hole .
22 I must have been awfully slow , I never got in ahead of her and was always the poor mutt who staggered into the office in the small hours , bleary-eyed and half-dead , while Olive , yawning profusely and clutching her hot water bottle to her bosom , was able to trip down the path to her waiting bed and not surface till about midday the next day .
23 ‘ A man that is born falls into a dream like a man who falls into the sea .
24 The third example is a young man who falls into the rare category of those who pose a serious threat to public safety , a threat which in some instances exists for only weeks or months , although occasionally a person may remain potentially dangerous for some years .
25 The next day belonged to Devon Malcolm , a man who came into the Test team a few months earlier against Australia with a reputation for being able to bowl extremely quickly but rarely accurately , who , with less than perfect eyesight , was a total rabbit with the bat , and who could be a joke as a fielder .
26 Enter his wife , and Oswald Moseley still a Labour man who laid into the Tory government before 1,500 people in Shildon Hippodrome .
27 In an epistemological parable , ‘ The Man who looked into the Future ’ , Allen Wheelis describes a man 's attempts to escape from the fluidity of the present and imprint value on his life .
28 Police issued the photofit of a man who burst into the Alpine Cafe in Marine Drive , Southport , and vaulted over the counter .
29 But the man who got into the front seat was Keith Hanger , an escaped prisoner wanted in connection with a murder .
30 Police have recovered the body of a 21 year old Abingdon man who leapt into the river Thames 5 weeks ago .
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