Example sentences of "[noun sg] go [prep] [noun] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The manuscript had just been discovered in the uncatalogued recesses of the British Museum ; it was exciting work , said the doctor , but difficult : the manuscript was badly damaged and as he had not the money to go to London he was having to work from a smudged xerox copy .
2 and every , it 's always money goes to money she was born with a silver spoon , I was born with a wooden spoon
3 Just a few hours before this programme went to press we spotted a tremendously exciting traditional band at the Lorient Interceltic Festival in Brittany and invited them to join us tonight .
4 I mean if we go , we 're sitting on the outside and invariably they 're a bit over into the gangway well if a chap kept pushing against us as the car went round corners it would n't be very nice would it ?
5 Mr Lilley said : ‘ We want to make sure that invalidity benefit goes to people who are genuinely incapable of working . ’
6 When a child goes to school he or she is not only confronted with the traditional school subjects , but also with codes and practices governing behaviour .
7 ‘ When the princess went to Paris she was received in an official capacity by President Mitterrand .
8 to help the funds , a tin of something , er your attendance draw goes to Mrs I was praying that you know
9 Okay , well now , what I would like you to do please er because we 've only got a limited amount of time , er incidentally some of you still have n't divide collecting er a small group going with Peter I
10 When the inquiry went to Cardiff it did more than cross the Severn Bridge .
11 If you ever get the chance to go to Nazareth you will be shown a well with the sign over it , ‘ St Mary 's Well ’ .
12 No , last night going to bed he 's been , he 's been smashing until Saturday
13 Highest score of the day went to Norbury who hit 228–5 at Hartford , Pete Holland scoring 116 .
14 no use going to York they ca n't .
15 In in in my own family my mum and my aunt went into service you know when they were about thirteen and they used to do the most abysmal jobs for next to nothing .
16 Oops oops hello Jess all these blown up things all round the house no no no no no Charlotte do n't hit the dog , that 's it you cuddle Jessie darling in your chair in your chair go on move I do n't know why she wants to play with that that 's for crawling around with you do n't need to crawl any more Charlotte .
17 Gilman Mr vice chairman could be the real reason … when building the East Stand the contract went to GMI who bid 2m more than the lowest bidder .
18 So what came first , your own interests or your family 's encouragement to go into science I wonder ?
19 Lisa B says again and again that she knows as a model going into music she has to prove herself .
20 Since the book went to press there has been Smith v. Schofield , in which it was said that seventeen pages of algebra used to show the consequences of one construction of a tax Act should have been proved by an expert witness and not merely put before the judge ; this does raise sharply the difference between argument and evidence .
21 And in this connection , the award this year goes to Catherine who already has got a fairly formidable pedigree in the movement , shop steward , member of a branch committee , trades council , young members ' advisory committee , the National Committee but I think best thing so far , she 's actually chaired the T U C young members ' conference and that 's an achievement for this union as well .
22 Will he now answer the question of the hon. Member for Brigg and Cleethorpes ( Mr. Brown ) and confirm that when the Prime Minister goes to Maastricht he will sign no treaty that allows qualified majority voting on any aspect of employment law ?
23 When the Empire goes to war it is accompanied by the huge War Altar of Sigmar .
24 The biggest allocation for a district council in the region goes to Darlington which receives £700,000 .
25 Telling Joffre how serious the situation had now become , de Castelnau requested authorisation to go to Verdun himself , armed with plenipotentiary powers , to take whatever measures he felt necessary .
26 That 's the skipper and commander going on board her now .
27 And as time went on course I 'd got no experience of house cleaning boots and managing , or anything like that !
28 Seven of the top 10 places in the table went to banks which had a role in the BAT bid .
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