Example sentences of "[noun sg] there would [verb] [be] " in BNC.

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1 If enthusiasts had not travelled from the Private Greens , the Provincial Bowling Association and especially , the Northern Ireland Bowling Association there would have been a sepulchral atmosphere about the whole thing .
2 As a result there would have been little or no evolutionary pressure on cats to develop an anti-stranger reaction where kittens are concerned .
3 Gollancz held that " had there been no Left Book Club there would have been no Bridgwater " .
4 he would have had fucking pen there would have been no working for them !
5 It seems reasonable to say that without Law there would have been no NFCC , at least not in the powerful form it reached in the early years of the twentieth century .
6 Behind the hound there would have been a rectangular plate containing an iron rivet .
7 If the non-transferable votes had been transferred in the same proportion there would have been insufficient transfers to Donnelly to ensure his election .
8 ‘ If you had n't bumped that sodding Angel there 'd have been another murder this afternoon , ’ said Perdita sulkily .
9 If she 'd fought the rape there 'd have been skin from her attacker under the fingernails .
10 If we 'd had a child there would have been movement ; we 'd have watched him growing up , seen him change , worried about his schooling , and so on .
11 ‘ Without public opinion there would have been no reprieve .
12 Profit commented : ‘ The desire to reach the summit , the anguish there would have been if we 'd come close but misses it , pushed us forward , despite our exhaustion .
13 ‘ But for their alertness there would have been untold carnage in the town , ’ he said .
14 Without the King 's initiative there would have been no National Government .
15 I would have been standing erm about two or three foot away from him anyway sir , so that , including the distance height wise , I could have been er from the end of my weapon to his head or any part of his body there would have been a maximum of between four to five feet at least .
16 If only he 'd been able to finish off the plastic swan and the weeping-kid picture there 'd have been some hope for the flat .
17 If I thought it was a serious attempt at robbery there would have been a severe sentence indeed . ’
18 ‘ But for the intrusion of editorial conscience there would have been many more , ’ he wrote in the preface .
19 If it had n't have been for the policeman there would have been untold carnage . ’
20 ‘ On Friday night there would have been no water in the basin after two , not enough to float a cork . ’
21 Only 30 people were injured and the resultant fires did n't last for long , so speculation about how many injuries or how much damage there would have been if people had been up and about is pointless .
22 To move forward to the present there would have been yet another shock for Green .
23 And once he had learned , for the uncomplicated Zoser there would have been no gap between decision and action .
24 There was a finding that the contractors were at fault with regard to the old shafts , but it is not clear that they should have realised that their conduct would affect the plaintiff 's land and even if this had been the case there would have been a serious issue at that times whether the defendant was liable for the negligence of his contractor .
25 If instead of holding on to the property X had given the property to Y no inheritance tax will be in point provided Y farmed the property ( or X survived the gift by seven years ) but in that case there would have been no capital gains tax uplift on the death of X.
26 ‘ In that case there 'd have been blood on the ground , ’ Melissa pointed out .
27 On foot there would have been little danger for a man alone ; even on horseback not much .
28 Mackie denied he had been told that and said that if he had been told the meeting was confidential from the start there would have been little point in him , as an analyst , being there .
29 Even if it is likely that a Labour administration would have failed in the round to solve Britain 's fundamental problems , there is little doubt that at a minimum there would have been a substantial redistribution of income and some attempt to reform the City , regulate public utilities more strongly and determinedly tackle the homelessness problem .
30 If three giants had come through the door there would have been no choice but to retreat .
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