Example sentences of "[noun sg] there have [be] [det] " in BNC.

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1 During the session there had been some debate over the selection of the ministers of finance and foreign affairs .
2 And he added : ‘ If I were an American , I would be saying thank goodness there have been some musicals to keep Broadway alive for the last 10 years . ’
3 Prior to the meeting there had been much speculation that Shamir would face a challenge at the meeting ; in the event even Sharon urged the party to unite behind Shamir .
4 None the less , since antiquity there have been many efforts to describe features of the world , including the social , in quantitative terms , efforts which began to assume an even greater urgency and consequentiality with the rise of the modern nation state and its requirements for an accurate accounting of its resources .
5 In the fifty years since the TA was last called up for war there have been many changes .
6 Since the Second World War there have been many changes in official policies toward , and social assumptions concerning , the control and treatment of crime and offenders .
7 Now we have n't , erm talking about er cars as to other forms of transport and on the whole there 's been more complaints about the public transport than they have about cars , but you surely do n't think or maybe you do , I mean what 's bad about cars ? ,
8 That night there had been much wine at dinner and Flavia , though far from drunk , felt warmed , free .
9 Before the General Election there had been some talk of revising Crime Has No Boundaries , after Quintin Hogg had written to Heath calling for a ‘ refurbishment ’ of policies towards crime .
10 In addition there have been several other accidents where cars have collided with each others .
11 Half the racing world seemed to have embraced the occasion , for which after the last race that afternoon there had been much speedy unrolling of glittering black and silver ceiling-to-floor curtaining , transforming the workaday interior of the grandstand into something ephemerally magnificent .
12 Of course there had been many Christmas parties after Maman went away , Aunt Tossie saw to that — but they were not memorable .
13 And of course there have been many moments when English art was very important on the Continent indeed .
14 Of course there have been some minor differences of opinion .
15 In the subsequent experience of the Church in exercising this ministry there have been many instances of failure , partial , delayed and temporary healing , reminding us that we live with the tension of the ‘ now ’ and the ‘ not yet ’ of the Kingdom .
16 Amidst such massive coverage there has been little television interest in what ordinary people get out of sport .
17 Leo had promised to ring me that evening in case there had been any news from the hospital ; and I told him my own news .
18 I do not think that in either case there has been any failure in interpretation of the ideas proposed , but rather that accommodation has been too readily accorded .
19 Unfortunately Chairman there has been some polarization of opinion between the Norfolk and the Suffolk interests .
20 Nelson is flagging appropriate titles in its catalogue as ‘ self-access ’ , there are one or two new publishing names dipping toes in the swirling waters of EFL , and during the close season there have been some author-transfers , including David Vale from CUP to Heinemann and Alan Maley to Penguin .
21 Under this rubric there have been several locations which in the 1980s , at least at a particular , symbolic level , have lent a rhetorical credibility to the notion of an urban renaissance in many parts of the First World .
22 It would certainly be unwise to argue that in this respect there has been any fundamental change in personnel practices in recent years .
23 With the development of the NACAB policy of equal opportunities in recruitment there has been more awareness of this issue and considerable developments in recruitment practices have resulted .
24 The eighteenth century had been marked by keen intellectual enquiry and , among the educated class , some decline in devotion to revealed religion ; but at last leave-taking there had been little to disturb the old familiar ways ; the sense of continuity between life and death , between this world and the next , was carefully preserved .
25 During the past week there have been several occasions where people have been meddling with candles and other things in the church , including the money boxes yet again , and so it is with some sadness that I have decided to keep the church locked during the holiday period .
26 In the past there 's been some disagreement between these 2 parties as to how best to manage and maintain the woods .
27 Nevertheless , although the misuse of judicial interrogation is now only a distant history , it seems to have left its mark on public perceptions of the entire subject : and indeed not just public perceptions , for in the recent past there have been several authoritative and eloquent judicial reminders of the abuses of our former inquisitorial system and of the need to guard against their revival .
28 Within generative phonology there has been much debate about whether one can put tonic ( ‘ primary ’ ) stress in the right place without referring to the non-linguistic context in which the speaker says something .
29 It is part of the explosion of interest in music there has been this century .
30 ‘ In ophthalmology there have been some problems but a new consultant has been appointed thanks to increased funding made available by this government .
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