Example sentences of "[noun sg] come [coord] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 A quick trip to stock the fridge , the larder and the wine rack and everything is set for a fantastic holiday , with the freedom to come and go when you choose , eat the very best available in the shops , try out the local wines and generally ‘ go native ! ’
2 On another occasion an out-of-work blacksmith came and said that " if the parish would not find him a shop to work in , he would make his complaint to a justice " .
3 So did you generally have a , a daily lady to come and help or
4 Many announced , leaked , and predicted dates for unveiling the Clinton plan came and went before the maestro of the Reagan image was improbably summoned to manage the case of Bill Clinton .
5 Such remarks can be an invitation to the teacher to come and listen or look , and as she shares the children 's enjoyment and pride or helps them to sort out their problems , there are times when this will involve ideas which are mathematical .
6 So anyway I er the War came and went but before it went I was in , went int eh Army of course .
7 But I 'm really the person to come and see and I liaise with all these bodies as such .
8 The other big name to come and go after the Cup final was Keith Curle when the price is right .
9 She tailed off , colour coming and going as she remembered what had happened both before and after that fateful conversation she 'd overheard , and saw in his eyes an echo of everything that she was feeling .
10 Just as darkness fell a man and a woman came and announced that I was sitting in their seats .
11 ‘ It 's his choice to come or go as he pleases , ’ he said .
12 She knew her limitations better than she knew her worth , and she taught in a private school because it gave her a little more latitude to come and go as she wished — an important point , since she cared for an old mother whom eighty years had made exacting .
13 Fashions in teaching come and go because none have solved the problem of English spelling .
14 I left before the tour was over because it was time for Mott The Hoople to come and tour and I 'd been designated as the person to take care of them , so I went off before it was over .
15 Henry sent a message to his eldest son to come and help and then he joined Richard in the business of subduing the Limousin .
16 I gave him the option to come but explained that he would n't be involved .
17 Christmas came and went and Ruth was glad to see the back of it .
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