Example sentences of "[noun sg] could not [adv] be " in BNC.

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1 Unlike coffee , tea could not easily be grown profitably on smallholdings .
2 By the end of 1926 , the General Council was advancing the argument , with some justification , that the General Strike had only been an attempt to warn employers that the problems of industry could not constantly be tackled at the expense of the standard of living of the workers .
3 Centuries of oppression could not just be wiped out by a legislative dictate .
4 Mr. Ashworth and Mr. McGregor none the less submit either that , so far as the English common law is concerned , Walker 's case is to be preferred to any inconsistent later decision in any other jurisdiction , or that , as an action by a child for damages for pre-natal injuries had not been recognised as valid in the English courts before 1976 — the enactment of the Act of 1976 — such an action could not now be allowed to develop and the English common law should be taken as being what the latest United Kingdom cases available might have indicated before 1976 .
5 This staggering figure could not easily be explained away .
6 But if the worst really came to the worst in Japan , the resulting mess could not simply be welcomed as come-uppance .
7 But intelligence could not possibly be reserved for the washed and moneyed classes .
8 'You , if anyone , can understand , ’ she replied , and agreed that work could not even be thought of .
9 In view of the widespread publicity given to Peter Wright 's book " Spycatcher " it was felt that such damage could not now be established and the injunction against publication was discharged .
10 In January 1991 Ministers accepted the £22.01m cash ceiling agreed with Treasury , although delays , beyond the Library 's control , meant that the contract could not finally be let , to Sir Robert McAlpine & Sons Ltd , until late March .
11 ‘ Documenta ’ was born to take stock of a situation that official art had consistently overlooked , in the days when , for instance , Pollock and Giacometti could not yet be found in museums .
12 However , the Central Council recognized in April that a franchise change could not now be avoided , but resolved to support it only if the government would agree to restore the House of Lords at the same time .
13 If I said , ‘ It looks blue ’ but otherwise seemed incapable of colour discrimination , of being able to respond differently , verbally and in other ways , to differently coloured things , and , particularly , of being able to tell when other blue things were present and when absent , then people would rightly suspect that I did not know what I was talking about , that my experience could not really be of its looking blue .
14 Again , if the court holds that a particular decision was unreasonable , that decision could not lawfully be made again .
15 Once again , Botham won the toss and chose to field as the pitch looked as though it would be most lively on the first morning , and for the second time his decision could not really be criticized .
16 It seemed very hard that she should have had to uproot herself completely while her husband could not even be bothered to accompany her on holidays to her own country .
17 Under these circumstances , his intervention could not possibly be perceived as an unambiguously patriotic and non-partisan gesture .
18 " No good , Colonel , " he said , " The Southwark Bridge body could n't possibly be your man .
19 Yet his team could not fairly be described as negative .
20 These were groups in need of institutional care and whose need could not always be attributed to their own fault .
21 No servant need attend him , and though there might well be music made before the evening ended , a girl singer could not fittingly be a part of the entertainment in the abbot 's lodging .
22 A Dragon-Dictate system was evaluated ; the results showed that speech recognition was suitable in circumstances where a keyboard could not easily be used , but was not yet sufficiently reliable to replace keyboard entry .
23 The finger pointed at education could not easily be pushed aside , particularly at a time when the period of education had been extended and the school population , on both sides of the Atlantic , was beginning to diminish factors which should have favoured significant improvement .
24 Surely this catastrophe could n't really be happening ?
25 While as settlement within the greenbelt , development could not normally be permitted on D thirty nine and D forty , as these are outside the built area in the terms of Policy G B Three , which we have oft considered at erm this enquiry .
26 In purely administrative terms , it was thought that authorities concerned with distinguishing between applications for exempt development , excepted development , designated relevant development and non-designated relevant development could not also be expected to distinguish between Class A and Class B applications , and between outline , illustrative , detailed and guideline applications .
27 By that time I had some history of being involved in socialist politics , which helped make sense of the external world , and a dawning recognition that there was also an inner world to be explored and that the psyche could n't just be dealt with by an effort of will .
28 With the black market standing at roughly one-tenth of the official rate in mid-1990 , many investors who might otherwise have wanted to invest were holding back , betting that the official rate could not indefinitely be propped up .
29 Jordan hoped to recover its position on the West Bank , paying subsidies for loyalty and continuing functional co-operation with Israel , as if the growth of political awareness in the area could not only be contained but diminished .
30 However , because the moral phenomena which lay at the roots of social solidarity could not directly be measured , Durkheim identified law as an external and visible index of changes in invisible moral phenomena .
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