Example sentences of "[noun sg] could [pron] [adv] be " in BNC.

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1 In neither instance could it reasonably be said that student choice was as wide open as the Shores model would require , and the main area of decision was at what time to go to one 's carrel and enter the process .
2 This way you are less likely to drown it in butter ( though what more delicious accompaniment could there ever be ? ) .
3 What other explanation could there possibly be for going into a shop , flicking through rails of attractive fuchsia , cobalt and aquamarine outer-garments , and saying to the assistant , ‘ Have you got any grey ones ? ’
4 What other reason could there possibly be ?
5 ‘ What kind of mother could you possibly be when you 're working all day and out partying all night ?
6 What connection could there possibly be between him and what happened to Roland so long ago ? ’
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