Example sentences of "[noun sg] there [be] [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 On the plus side there 's Rod Stewart before he became a joke , The Nice inventing prog rock , Fleetwood Mac singing ‘ Someone 's Gon na Get Their Head Kicked in Tonight ’ ( who said the '60s was all peace and love ? ) and Murray Head 's lovely ‘ She Was Perfection ’ , as well as the obvious Faces , Amen Corner , Humble Pie and McCoys classics .
2 As a result there are pilgrimage churches right across northern Spain and on the main routes traversing France , Germany and Italy .
3 She was still wearing her apron which , evidently , she had been using to wipe away her tears ; as a result there were grease marks all over her face , giving her the appearance of a participant in a minstrel show .
4 It is the first indication there are teething troubles with SSDs ' new powers to inspect private schools under the Children Act .
5 Sadly the Metroliner had lost confidence in being a train and wanted to be an airliner instead : the coaches were rounded like a fuselage there were airliner seats with fold-town tables from the seatback in front even a company magazine at each place .
6 Training , in Wembley , is on Tuesday evenings for enthusiasts in the London area , and through the winter there are weekend expeditions in the northern and western parts of Britain .
7 Over lunch there 's safety cover only .
8 Just inside the vestibule there was coconut matting , and seeing this Mum looked about then began to wipe her feet .
9 Mycenaean Boiotia had indeed been open to the greater world , much more so than in classical times : in the Thebes Museum there are stirrup jars proving commerce with Minoan Krete , and there is even some lapis lazuli from Afghanistan , evidence of a Hittite connection .
10 To the right there were farm buildings which had been refurbished and through the open door of one of them he could glimpse open shelving displaying rows of pots .
11 In the ante-room all evening there 's Baron Stockmar
12 In the evening there were snooker matches played between the various posts .
13 Under STV there are multimember constituencies , with each elector able to indicate a preference on the ballot paper , putting the number 1 beside the name of the candidate most preferred , number 2 against the name of the elector 's second choice , and so on .
14 Last of afl there were wage labourers .
15 On page six of our agenda there are congress organization motions which clearly need to be discussed some time during this congress because they concern rule amendments , and if they do fall off the agenda because debate is long on the other things , I really do believe they should take priority because we wo n't be raising them for another three years .
16 For most of the day there were flood warning notices but no road closed signs .
17 ‘ And , say , he was telling me how in your mother 's day there were coal fires in every bedroom and how … ’
18 It could then be argued that ventriloquy is a better metaphor for fiction than criticism , because in criticism there are object texts which are not voiceless .
19 Creator God , we announce your goodness because it is clearly visible in the heavens where there is the light of the sun , the heat of the sun and the light of night There are rain clouds .
20 Throughout the text there are case studies which are designed to illustrate to students the relevance of the subject matter contained in the text .
21 Shortly before the announcement of his resignation there were press reports that FBI agents had reviewed Gray 's 1990 financial disclosures and had sought records concerning payments made to him for speaking engagements .
22 In addition there are distribution problems .
23 In addition there are circulation routes at both ends of the space — at the north end provided by a fireproof staircase and walled corridor wings .
24 In addition there are pension funds , insurance companies , large companies , finance houses , discount houses .
25 In addition there was standing room for 1,000 .
26 At present there is planning permission to chop it into three , and garage eight cars .
27 Of course there is drug abuse in athletics , but I do not believe that it is as widespread as the press and some of the anti-campaigners make out .
28 ‘ Of course there were winter balls , too , ’ Eleanor said .
29 At the provincial level there are Land Use Planning Officers , although their time is largely taken up by the supervision of settlement schemes and in planning state farms ( Stocking 1981b ) .
30 In every case there is mains electricity & a good water supply .
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