Example sentences of "[noun sg] would be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The court would be unwilling or unable to determine what speed would be expected from a competent getaway driver .
2 In practice the administration hoped the need for action would be diminished as a result of the bold tone of the Doctrine .
3 His action would be determined by whether a duty was owed .
4 Unanimity would generally be the rule , although " the means of applying a common action would be adopted by majority vote " .
5 Most of the action would be improvised with two or three scenes happening all at the same time as in a mediaeval play .
6 The benefits of this action would be seen in the group 's 1993–4 figures , said Haskins .
7 Mr Irons said yesterday that the petition raising the action would be lodged with the Court of Session by the end of next week .
8 The 1967 White Paper ( Cmnd. 3301 ) on the Legal and Constitutional Implications of Membership of the EEC , stated that Parliament 's freedom of action would be limited in that it would have to refrain from passing legislation inconsistent with community law and would be under an obligation in certain instances to legislate to give effect to our community obligations .
9 Furthermore , the scope for truly radical action would be undermined through the unconscious acceptance of an ideology which limits the range of alternatives that political leaders might conceive of , or sustain popular support for .
10 Social action would be linked with adult education in order to give a much wider perspective and provide a basis for life .
11 ‘ What Maradona said is the most stupid declaration of the Eighties by a football player , ’ said the Fifa spokesman Guido Tognoni , who added that no disciplinary action would be taken against the player .
12 The editor-in-chief of Izvestia , the most respected national daily newspaper , also said legal action would be taken against the Speaker , for seeking to impose restrictions on the newspaper and employing ‘ Bolshevik psychology ’ to gag the press .
13 Helpfully , the council added that : ‘ It should be pointed out that this action would be taken against all allotment holders , whether or not any individual holder has had a bonfire prior to the service of a notice .
14 Scotland Yard said no further action would be taken against Stagg , who lives at Roehampton less than a mile from the murder scene .
15 Only this weekend , I had a telephone call from a distressed daughter who pointed out that her mother , who was widowed 18 months ago , had just received a threatening letter saying that , if she did not pay £11 for the 16 days between 1 April and 17 April 1989 , during which her husband had been alive , poinding action would be taken against her .
16 He delivered a stern warning to those whom , he claimed , were ‘ operating a different agenda ’ that action would be taken against them if they persisted .
17 In view of mounting criticism both within Nepal and from abroad about the lack of minimum basic freedom in the country , the government stated that departmental action would be taken against local officers if it could be proved that detention orders were issued with bad intentions .
18 Some normalization of the security situation in Knin began on Aug. 21 , although only after a demonstration by several thousand residents had secured an undertaking from the local police chief that no disciplinary action would be taken against policemen who had sided with the insurgents .
19 Opposition leaders , however , expressed concern at the continuing military disruption of the transition period , and questioned whether effective action would be taken against the military .
20 The majority of the National Executive did not go as far as Marchbanks but warned several of the leading participants in the Petition campaign that disciplinary action would be taken against them ( as against Cripps ) if they continued in their support for it .
21 Mr Peck said a military hearing had decided that no action would be taken against Sergeant Walter Johnson , who killed Omar Ahmed Mohamed on 4 February .
22 Peter Lilley told the brewers that no action would be taken in the particular instance where a pub had not yet been freed because independent arbitration of rents was still taking place .
23 CW reported that action would be taken in response to feedback from RMG .
24 It was planned from the beginning that follow-up action would be taken by the participants wherever possible , so in the summer of 1980 Highlander hosted a workshop on land reform to which study participants and others from the region were invited .
25 Bishop believed that change was essential and reported on his return to Washington that there was undue complacency in Tokyo ; the vested interests in the occupation bureaucracy believed that American dominance in Japan must be continued for a considerable period and Bishop held that tough action would be required in order to transform attitudes and to terminate the occupation .
26 Mr Ridley said the action would be pursued with the utmost vigour .
27 My grey school skirt would be swapped for a rock-and-roll dirndl and six net petticoats , painstakingly dipped in sugar water to make them stiff when dry ; after the first four dances , the heat from my body would melt the sugar and my nylons would stick together .
28 This should be a convenient time to undertake this review since progress on the acquisitions side would be hindered by European [ summer ] holidays .
29 The other side would be defeated by our success , would erode , one assumed , through envy : the model of our society would be supreme .
30 This brigade would be absorbed by the new force .
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