Example sentences of "[noun sg] they [vb past] [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 As a result they had been driven out of the city by Richard 's agents and the cathedral was closed for twenty-one months .
2 Here officers are tracking a car they believed was stolen in Milton Keynes .
3 I 'm a fool , she thought tearfully , knowing the very last vestiges of the shaky companionship they shared were gone for good .
4 All the seats had been taken , but once Myeloski had waved his warrant-card at the ticket-desk they had been given seats .
5 No wonder they had been covered up .
6 Shortly after lunch they had been reduced to 57 for eight .
7 Nell guessed from the centrifuges and freezers what type of work they had been designed for .
8 His engineers were glad to continue with the central job they had been engaged on before : the attempt to speed up power station completion rates in undertakings they now controlled more directly .
9 And that 's what upset us most about these people going back to work , the fact that a meeting had been taken a few months before in which everybody had voted for us to get the sack , and then all of a sudden they had been threatened and no vote was taken on whether we should stay out or go back , and they just dribbled back to , that really knocked us I think .
10 What people wanted was food in the shops and a slice of the materialist cake they saw being gobbled in the West .
11 Only last april they 'd been told three hundred and fifty jobs were being axed — now comes todays announcement of more .
12 It was to avoid this last couple that Hugh unexpectedly asked her to dance , which they did unsuccessfully , their bodies unused to performing together , and Molly keeping to the shadows in case the children should spot them and never be able to forgive the embarrassment they had been caused .
13 ‘ They all reported to the police station they 'd been assigned to and they all went on to stand trial . ’
14 I still number some of them as personal friends all these years later , but at the time what struck me was their unbelievable competence and sheer quality compared with the wretchedly small scope they had been given in prewar Britain .
15 They had tried twice before , and on each occasion they had been pursued relentlessly through the forests by hostile Moi tribesmen who had stripped them naked , lashed their hands behind them and led them back to the plantation roped together at the neck with twisted creepers .
16 I had a feeling they 'd been blocked off by the malais and had n't been able to go by the quickest route they wanted .
17 Already a decision had been made , sometime in 1964 , to hive ‘ Planet of Giants ’ and ‘ The Dalek Invasion of Earth ’ off from the first season — in whose block they had been recorded — and to graft them as openers to the second season , thus giving the overworked Production Office a bit of a breather .
18 They felt that through joining the movement they had been liberated from the ills of modern society and that they were at last free to make the world a better place and themselves better people .
19 At the end of each game they had one chance and one chance only to answer the riddle they had been set .
20 The crew had one last night with their families , and the opportunity to share with them some of the advance they had been given by Yong .
21 Bowls of the clear chicken soup they loved were put on the table .
22 Of this great brooding complex mineral creature they had been dropped in the midst of — safely , yes , into a pocket of calm and inattention , locally barren of signs of life … though barren for how long ?
23 The government agency withdrew facilities for 160 centres countrywide , because the beef they handled was deemed below the required level .
24 In my first ten years of headship over 100 families used the service which the school provided , often returning to share with the group the progress which had been made and to comment on the ways in which their children had responded to the advice they had been given .
25 When he visited Ottery in August 1793 his brothers reluctantly agreed to help him ; but some of the money they supplied was frittered away on the journey back to Cambridge , and when he got there he discovered a host of forgotten debts .
26 For part of the trip in a flat bed truck they 'd been acompanied by armed guards , but no-one had told them why .
27 But the protesters were oumumbered and at the end of an hour they had been thrown out , some of them after suffering enough physical damage to require a visit to the casualty department of Hammersmith hospital .
28 But of course they had been drunk too , worse , most of them far worse than herself — perhaps they had forgotten she was ever with them .
29 The Collector 's eye came to rest on the corner where Miriam lay ; she was too weak to help Dr McNab now , but although she could no longer be of any service to the ailing figures who lay nearby , she had refused to let the Collector move her mattress up to the dais where the air was better and where cholera clouds would be less likely to hang ( if such things existed , which of course they had been proved not to by Dr McNab , but all the same … ) .
30 But when I went back to have another look they 'd been changed .
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