Example sentences of "[noun sg] with [pron] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 His hands gripped the wheel with what she took to be more than necessary strength and he looked as if he would stop , spring out and grip her neck with equal intensity .
2 It was vaguely insulting to know that he treated her as casually as he would have treated any stranger with whom he found himself forced to share a house .
3 The presentation took place in the showroom where she also received a Caithness Crystal glass vase given by her friends in the factory and warehouse with whom she had close links for many years .
4 He wanted to expand , so he went into partnership with someone he 'd been doing business with .
5 Erm the speed with which we dealt with item one is encouraging or rather it 's somebody might be but item two again maybe if proposals which perhaps er a little controversy .
6 In terms of their material culture and lifestyle , the Vikings were really not so different from the Franks : hence the speed with which they adopted Frankish military and diplomatic conventions , and , where they settled , assimilated with the local population .
7 The formation of the commercial basis of the kingdoms is not uniform and geography must have played an important part in the speed with which they evolved out of the less commercial exchanges of primitive valuables between earlier corporate descent groups and cohesive political units .
8 I am grateful to the Minister and to his Department for the speed with which they dispatched members of the Health and Safety Executive to the scene of the tragedy in my constituency at BP
9 When someone remarked in surprise at the speed with which she had obtained her demobilisation , Teddy replied mildly in her soft voice , ‘ But I 'm married , dear ! ’
10 The speed with which she had changed and was continuing to change was frightening .
11 It was the controlled , economical force that emanated from the man that was impressive , and the speed with which he absorbed information .
12 His instructors at Unseen University , who had despaired of Rincewind 's inability to master levitation , would have then been amazed at the speed with which he reached and climbed the nearest tree , without apparently touching it .
13 It was painful enough knowing they had both let their love for each other slip so easily away , but the speed with which he 'd filled the void she 'd left really cut into her .
14 She did n't describe Lowell 's expression as he watched her go , nor the speed with which he 'd followed her after he had abruptly said good-bye to them .
15 ‘ Did you hear a scream ? ’ she asked dulcetly , then blinked at the speed with which he crossed the ground .
16 At least it was comforting to know that he would n't consider her compliance ‘ cheap ’ or despise her for the speed with which he had been able to seduce her .
17 His voice was soft , silky , which she supposed was a warning , but she still was n't prepared for the speed with which he moved her top aside .
18 Dean Jones lost no time in demonstrating his ability to hit the ball hard and often on his competitive debut for Durham , but the boundaries he scattered around and beyond the ropes during their Sunday League win over Lancashire were no more impressive than the speed with which he hurtled the singles and made ones into twos .
19 The river was called Rush River , because of the speed with which it roared down from the Blue Mountains , scoring a twisted gorge through the forest .
20 The most striking feature about the Treaty of Rome , however , was the speed with which it had been reached .
21 She could not bear the sensations of loss with which she knew that she would be obliged to sit down and confront her mother .
22 What had happened to the icy indifference with which she had surveyed the world for the past few years ?
23 Meredith 's senses were alerted to his hard , firm male body , the command with which he manoeuvred them around the square , the pressure of his fingers against her supple spine .
24 As someone bereaved through the disease , I felt angry and upset by the flippancy with which you dealt with this subject .
25 They considered themselves above parish apprentices , yet of the fellow members of the cutter club with whom he rowed on the Thames , Place recalled that the stroke was hanged for a murder he did not commit , not being able to provide an alibi as he was committing a burglary at the time , while the cox was transported for a robbery .
26 Kevin Drinkell , Coventry 's record signing from Rangers , ushered the club with whom he began his career towards the exit with a debut goal of which dreams are made .
27 To quote Rothstein again , Realism became ‘ the doctrine which provided the intellectual frame of reference for the foreign policy establishment for something like twenty years … it did determine the categories by which they assessed the external world and the state of mind with which they approached prevailing problems ’ .
28 Similarity with that other man who had tried to destroy her threatened to break down the shutter in her mind with which she blanked out memories of Friedrich .
29 When he graduated Hugo took a succession of low-paid jobs in 7th Avenue and the optimism with which he had set out began to be dimmed by the sheer sick-making banality of what he had to do — cutting samples in the disgusting fabrics with which the greedy cutthroat manufacturers he worked for made their living .
30 The first lawyer with whom I worked , however , ( Lawyer A ) did not allow me to examine files .
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