Example sentences of "[noun sg] you did [not/n't] know " in BNC.

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1 And the whole process is made as simultaneously agonising and amazing as it could be — you labour to give birth , that 's the right word all right , and it 's about as ghastly as possible and then at the end there 's this absolutely wonderful feeling , that the conspiracy has never hinted at , when you hold it and see it and you suddenly realise there 's a whole new emotion you did n't know anything about .
2 You look at the skill you did n't know you had , put a label on it and think : ‘ Yes I do do that ’ , whereas when you first walk in you think you 've done nothing for the last 18 years .
3 The next day we had to report to the huge , ugly , frightening , hideous abattoir man who , in case you did n't know , lives , actually lives three streets away from us !
4 ‘ In case you did n't know . ’
5 There are signs too , telling you that these are the Butter Tubs , in case you did n't know .
6 er in case you did n't know
7 ‘ That thing outside … the thing you 're supposed to be supervising , in case you did n't know … is a security cordon .
8 ‘ Oh , in case you did n't know , I 'm the commodore of the club .
9 ‘ Yours is n't the only way for a Jew to live , in case you did n't know .
10 ‘ In case you did n't know , an American division is twice the size of an ordinary division . ’
11 That was a line from Keats , in case you did n't know . ’
12 In case you did n't know , it 's National Chip Week .
13 ‘ Of course you did n't know where I was .
14 ‘ And of course you did n't know a thing about it , did you ? ’
15 What a shame you did n't know , you could 've put your glad rags on . ’
16 Two days of dieting completed and you 've found muscles in your body you did n't know were there .
17 Most of the time you could just ignore a lot of the stuff you did n't know ; it 'd come in time , you 'd be told when you needed to know …
18 The England game , very exciting yes and really to the last minute you did n't know who was going to win it , with France coming back with two late tries erm but England 's forward domination told in the end .
19 You will find qualities in each other you did n't know existed .
20 Pattie is living proof that if you live with a man , you discover a lot you did n't know when you were just dating him .
21 A debt you did n't know you had was best not argued with .
22 You may find a stream , a cave , a factory , a prison you did not know was there but which insists upon itself as a landmark .
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