Example sentences of "[noun sg] that will [verb] we " in BNC.

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1 We want an education partnership between parents , schools , local authorities , industry and higher education — a partnership that will enable us to achieve standards comparable to those in the rest of western Europe .
2 They will generate a lot of revenue that will put us in good stead for the future .
3 It contains a programme that will take us well beyond this Session , after our fourth election victory in March , April or May of 1992 .
4 The European Commission have agreed an action programme that will take us into the next century and this is despite the attitude of the present U K government .
5 We intend to undertake a process of study that will lead us towards new paradigms of mission and service and of communicating the Gospel in an inter-religious context .
6 Do you want Dovelands put back ? cos Dovelands did n't come on this year either and this is a a dilemma that will face us all .
7 It is about a relationship that changes the way we look at life ; it is about a friendship that will take us through life , facing the black moments as well as the good ; it is about God ‘ s time breaking into our lives , giving them hope and meaning and joy .
8 ’ Start Posi setting a course that will take us on to a parallel Netline , doubling back the way we came .
9 So I 'll do this and I think Amanda would agree with this that this is the ultimate test that will help us in establishing can we actually do something about target one of the World Health Organisation , which is to narrow the health divide .
10 We 've had a couple of stoppages in the first half , not the sort that will give us the nine minutes of added time we had at Highbury on Saturday , but certainly a minute or two this evening .
11 Using the personal food and drink audit we should be seeking a new balance in our diet that will provide us with all the essential nutrients that our bodies need .
12 And during that time I am going to work out a way to keep us safe while we complete the job that will make us rich . ’
13 We can not be far from the day of the conversation robot that will relieve us of obligation to greet politely the occasional recognisable human that strays across our path .
14 ‘ There 's only one ride that will get us back to the east of the Swamp and that 's the one we 've come by .
15 ‘ I have news that will make us all walk , even readers of Catullus . ’
16 Considering how much attention has been given to ‘ child development ’ by psychologists and educationists , it should be possible to find a generally-accepted theory that will help us to order our thoughts .
17 We ought to focus on the practical and urgent business problems we have of managing our growth and creating a business strategy that will unite us . ’
18 As results get worse , I still manage to bluff the board into believing I have a long-term strategy that will see us pulling away from the bottom within weeks .
19 I … well , I want to find a way to ensure that we have a method that will help us produce only the best and happiest of individuals , so that when the time comes for control to be applied , it can be done gainfully .
20 So many of us keep so many medicines on our shelves for donkeys years in the hope that we might find a pill that will suit us at some time .
21 We need legislation that will help us retain our hard-fought rights and conditions .
22 A new style that will allow us to reach the year two thousand with a structure that is suitable for th a new century .
23 Is it your wish to totally destroy the Company in a lawsuit that will bankrupt us ? ’
24 And the only thing that will preserve us is ourselves . ’
25 ‘ It is the only thing that will defend us in the present crisis , ’ says Reddy .
26 The only thing that will release us is the thing that imprisoned us .
27 ‘ If we accept this — that you can give us information that will help us to rear better offspring — how do you propose this information be used ? ’
28 The fact that you are here in Wakefield is a stimulus — a challenge that will inspire us to fight you tooth and nail .
29 I agree with my hon. Friend the Member for Esher ( Mr. Taylor ) that other countries are offering to help us to use their sovereignty in a way that will benefit us in the future .
30 What we are looking for is a framework , an accommodating structure that will help us to organize our information and ideas .
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