Example sentences of "[noun sg] that he [vb past] as " in BNC.

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1 Since it would have been unlikely that many property offenders would have been able to pay the fines that he advocated , they would mostly have been subjected to the forced labour that he proposed as the alternative .
2 Alright , he invested the money that he received as a gratuity from British Telecom when he was made redundant .
3 He did not need the money that he earned as a doctor .
4 It is a testament to Butler 's skill that he served as Private Secretary to both Edward Heath and Harold Wilson and , even more impressively , stayed the course as Principal Private Secretary under Mrs Thatcher .
5 In 1853 he travelled to Mecca , which was such a dangerous trip for a European that he travelled as a Muslim pilgrim .
6 Syd Robinson , a vice-chairman of the Eastern District , was so incensed by this move that he resigned as one of the District 's three representatives on the Extra-Mural Board forthwith .
7 He became more concerned with specialization within a given environment , a process that he saw as a consequence of the struggle between the different inhabitants of that environment .
8 From his saddlebag he took a length of rope that he knotted as a leash round Nosey 's neck , then he drew his rifle out of the saddle holster , cocked it , and went silently forward .
9 Mozart 's music will be played throughout the world in 1991 in many bicentenary celebrations , but where better to listen to his operas , chamber music and piano concertos than in Vienna , a city that he described as ‘ the best place in the world for my metier ’ .
10 And Sir Richard Attenborough was there to tell his audience that he felt as if he had come not just to the centre of Europe but of the world .
11 He showed an exceptional and sustaining dedication to his art in the face of personal loneliness and critical indifference ; it was only after his death that he emerged as a vital influence on writers of the generation of Evelyn Waugh , W. H. Auden [ qq.v. ] , and Anthony Powell .
12 When Neville Chamberlain became Prime Minister , in 1937 , he had as the Foreign Secretary , Anthony Eden , a very able minister of considerable repute , which fact probably accounted for the fact that he remained as Foreign Secretary despite the clear differences of opinion that became apparent between them .
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