Example sentences of "[noun sg] that really [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I 've suddenly remembered that the programme that really infuriated me , when I was tired and wet and Paddy Ashdown was getting away with sheer murder before my eyes , and the polls looked terminal for the Tories , and I was beginning to think that the whole thing was rigged against us , was not the BBC at all .
2 LOOK GREAT in wonderfully wearable designer fashions at affordable prices , make-up that 's custom-made for you and underwear that really fits your shape .
3 United Kingdom confectionery trade is worth two point six billion pounds , billion , and two years ago a figure that really astonished me when I saw it was that the total of all money that was given to development charities in the United Kingdom , including CAFOD , Christian Aid and Oxfam was equal to what Britain spent on one product made in York and that 's KitKat .
4 That 's the part that really bothers me . ’
5 And this is another fallacy that really struck me when I saw this ; you imagine Victorian stitchery to be uniformly fine and perfect , twenty stitches to the inch and that sort of thing .
6 It was a kind of expiation , the only kind that really hurt him .
7 Once this had been achieved , and we had given each other that little nod of recognition with which one acknowledges an intellectual equal , I moved on to the question that really interested me , which was how Alison came to know Thomas Carter in the first place .
8 And it is true that , I mean , well , you know , I 've spent a lot of time reviving typefaces that are not around , I mean , you know , propping them up , creating a waxed edition , sort of Madam Tussauds version of Lucien or something , but it 's very interesting — there is not , in type development terms , there is n't a whole lot that has happened after the Second World War that really turns me on .
9 Nearly two years ago , I saw the type of package that really interested me BUT , of course , it was not for my computer .
10 She wanted to make some sarcastic retort about his being so bossy , but he was already clearing away the plates , not paying the slightest scrap of attention to her , and she realised that it was this lack of attention that really annoyed her .
11 The sound that really got me going came from one of the A3 's ROM cards , numbered SPC-04 , a patch called ‘ Amp 66 ’ which is also stored in the A2 's internal memory as patch 63 .
12 There 's a lot of traditional Celtic music , a lot of Appalachian music from the depression era — just really amazing , simple stuff that really got its point across .
13 But it was the mist that really let him in .
14 It 's an exciting country with an Eastern quality that really makes it worth seeing .
15 my Lord , my Lord erm my Lord that really brings me to what are , er my conclusions , my Lord erm , can I just practice my conclusions with two erm comments , first of all about the , the my learned friend seems to paint erm in relation to this of course Mr made a point quite strongly that he agrees this is a relevant consideration and that er have exaggerated the situation and if they are willing to make a point a like this it would require evidence , they did point to their accounts , Lord erm I do n't see to put in evidence , but the , the statutory statement of business served er filed by on the first of September this year with the D T I , revealed that has a total of sixteen and a half billion in it 's members premium trust funds which is up four billion from the end of the previous year , erm , set against that the claims now made against the names is , is relatively speaking er small , erm my Lord
16 Once , though , she made a comment that really upset me .
17 However , the same rule applies to evening classes as to joining clubs — it must be a subject that really interests you .
18 But it was that voice that really nailed it ; that languid , partly-formed Brooklyn drawl moving somewhere in the area of the tune .
19 He seemed to me and many others , I think we were in common agreement , most of the people that I was associated with , that Ni Bevan was the only man that really cared you know , he really cared .
20 But the Bordeaux that really grabs me is the oak-aged Blanc de Bordeaux ‘ 90 .
21 Death is the only thing that really frightens me — I hate it . ’
22 On one thing that really drives me mad about Carter .
23 As Craig slowly recovers one thing that really upsets his parents is that no-one from the council has bothered to see them about the accident or to ask how craig is :
24 The thing that really motivated me was seeing the 1968 Olympics ; I saw Thommie Smith and thought , ‘ God , that 's it ! ’
25 sort of well we ca n't pay this that and the other and the thing that really gets me and , and , you know , I , I 've tried to reason it through so many times but top er top of these mums ' sort of shopping list is these disposable nappies
26 And if there 's one thing that really bugs me , it 's trendy , middle-class liberals like those who write in Hot Press and their apologies for Provos , puffs , poets , transvestites and assorted other wankers .
27 The thing that really pisses me off is the hypocrisy — these guys all rant on about how they 're so shat upon because they 're black but it 's OK to shit on women .
28 The thing that really aggravates me is UEFA 's decision to reduce the Kop capacity by 40 per cent , allegedly for safety reasons .
29 If I look back on that [ first year ] , that was one thing that really hurt me .
30 I think the thing that really upset him was seeing Werewolf slide across the BMW 's bonnet to get to the driver 's door .
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