Example sentences of "[noun sg] that she is [adv] " in BNC.

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1 4 May : The Express pounces on Margaret Beckett 's admission that she is still a member of CND .
2 It irritates him beyond measure that she is nearly always right about everything . ’
3 'T is my misfortune that she is too lovely and too attractive .
4 Paula Yates , for instance , admits in an interview in Woman magazine that she is so thin that she had to put on weight before she could become pregnant .
5 But it is as Anne Rice that she is most accessible , writing about history and horror with everything from eighteenth-century castrati in Venice and Scottish demons to Egyptian mummies in Edwardian England .
6 I believe it is possible to propose an explanation for the intuitive feeling one gets that the -ing form would be somewhat inappropriate here : the author is describing a person who is groping for anything which will reassure her before she meets her angry father and the mere fact that she is able to perceive objects which are familiar to her — when she feels so disoriented that she can take nothing for granted — is what gives her the sense that she is neither shirking nor lying .
7 I was made sorry for her at first , as I would be for any young girl , crippled — it is hinted by the cruelty of her husband — and a mother , but even at the beginning there is a niggling doubt that she is rather superficial and shallow .
8 The Labour-CND break was absolutely necessary ; but equally , Margaret Beckett 's announcement this weekend that she is still a member of the campaign is welcome .
9 For it can not be emphasized too much that the transsexual , even after conversion surgery , continually seeks reassurance that she is now accepted in her new sex role .
10 She is back in the house that she is always remembering and talking endlessly about , she has her precious Miss Cress .
11 ‘ Quite apart from the fact that she is regularly ill-tempered , she must be vilely jealous of you . ’
12 The fact that she is also now mother to two year old Emma , with another child on the way , is coincidental .
13 The fact that she is basically thinking in terms of the resurrected , cosmic Christ again tends to minimize any distinction which there might be between a woman and Christ in regard to sex .
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