Example sentences of "[noun sg] that he went [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Mark fell onto the road with such force that he went into a coma from which he never recovered .
2 Negotiations led to Angus being allowed to surrender unharmed on condition that he went into exile in England , while the Red Douglas possessions were declared forfeit .
3 Jean-Marie Chantreux , 28 , smirked as he told a Normandy court that he went to the shipping company to steal .
4 It was as a mere friend that he went to the private view of Vanessa 's second exhibition and met Rain Morgan .
5 ‘ The poor man was feeling so weak after the news that he went to Rolliver 's .
6 To return to Molla Fenari , one can not then determine with any certainty the date of his journey to Egypt since it is impossible to assert confidently which of the seemingly contradictory facts or sets of facts-Ibn Hajar 's statement that he made the journey in 778 , Taskopruzade 's statement that he went in company with Seyyid Serif , Taskopruzade 's association of Seyyid Serif 's arrival in Karaman with Cemaleddin Aksarayi 's death , and so on-deserves most weight , though perhaps the specific nature of Ibn Hajar 's date argues in its favour while , equally , the slight suspicion which always attaches to attempts to associate great figures of the past argues against the association of Molla Fenari and Seyyid Serif .
7 Oh well Bob had a mini bus that he went with and picked up the passengers .
8 Belfast 's European champion produced a quite stunning performance which totally belied his relative immaturity and made a mockery of the fact that he went into this fight with no world rating of any description .
9 To my fourteen-year-old mind , his cleanliness was connected in some mysterious way to the fact that he went to public school and liked classical music .
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