Example sentences of "[noun sg] that he [vb past] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Behind his hostility lay a conviction that the Roman Church represented a corruption of an earlier , undefiled religion that he associated with the Egyptians .
2 Tim was quite taken with that big card that he had for his birthday
3 My father had often urged me to try some of his marijuana , but I had never accepted , just as I had refused even to look at the cocaine that he kept in his dressing room .
4 Mark fell onto the road with such force that he went into a coma from which he never recovered .
5 Can I have my ring back and then Christopher can go and look for the ring that he had on his head , he had a wooden one on his head , do you remember ?
6 At the utmost , the allegation that he relied on the testator 's promise seems to me to import no more than that he believed the testator would be as good as his word .
7 The formalities were gone through — including , in this case , the obtaining of a marriage licence ; the bachelor of St Ethelburga 's parish made an allegation that he knew of no lawful impediment why he should not marry the girl from St Dunstan 's in the West , and it was there that they became man and wife on 21 June 1799 .
8 It was in that terrible moment of loss that he noticed for the first time the eagle in the cage on the other side of his from where Minch 's cage was .
9 And he thought as a result that he knew about everything else as well and Brenda , he did n't .
10 Then he remembered the photograph that he left on his bedside table every night .
11 Now that you are moving away , he wants you to know that you were special and he hopes to return some of the self-esteem that he stole from you .
12 In fact , it was while he was up for the interview that he read in The Times the advertisement that had brought him to Burleigh :
13 Story has it that when Minton hung this portrait at Allen Street it so offended an art critic that he spat at it .
14 Since it would have been unlikely that many property offenders would have been able to pay the fines that he advocated , they would mostly have been subjected to the forced labour that he proposed as the alternative .
15 We hounded him to such effect that he responded in the classic 1970s way and set up no less than an official committee of inquiry to consider the whole position .
16 It was not Billingsley 's physical size that provoked that fear , for I was of a size with him , nor was it his profession that gave me pause , but rather the aura of incipient violence that he radiated like a blast furnace .
17 For Wolf was " the first to present a systematic description of the vast fabric that he called by the name of Altertumswissenschaft , to arrange and review its component parts and to point to a perfect knowledge of the many-sided life of the ancient Greeks and Romans as the final goal of the modern study of the ancient world .
18 Has he forgotten , in just an hour and a half , the pleasure that he gave to his own backwoodsmen by telling stories about multiple applications ?
19 I am grateful to the hon. Gentleman for the compliment that he paid to the special branch and to the RUC .
20 Adam 's cut-off jeans with the fringed hems , she meant , and his yellow and red headband that he insisted on calling a fillet as if it were a bit of fish .
21 Negotiations led to Angus being allowed to surrender unharmed on condition that he went into exile in England , while the Red Douglas possessions were declared forfeit .
22 During Sunday morning Miss T. 's father became so concerned with her apparent condition that he telephoned to his mother ( the paternal grandmother ) who arrived at 11 a.m .
23 Lucky Rob had all criminal charges dropped , but only on the condition that he put in two years ' community service , visiting schools to lecture on the dangers of drugs , talking to juvenile delinquents and visiting prisons in his home town of Drayton , Ohio .
24 Wycliffe asked no question and , after a pause , Maurice continued : ‘ You see , under my father 's will Matthew got the bookshop on condition that he provided for Sara ; Alfred had his pharmacy ; and this place , where I had already started the pottery , should have been mine .
25 And this ‘ vague altruism ’ apparently permeated up to the highest levels in government : for example , Neville Chamberlain , who had been a leading figure in the pre-war National Government 's denial of the problem of child malnutrition , was so shocked by the stories of the children 's condition that he commented to his sister , ‘ I never knew that such conditions existed , and I feel ashamed of having been so ignorant of my neighbours .
26 But there was no way she would allow herself to be carried away by that hypnotic pull that he had over her .
27 A sacrifice of analytical rigour may not be that important if the concept which has been thereby given life is never used , and it is clear from Lord Greene M.R 's judgment in the Wednesbury case that he conceived of it being utilised only in the extreme ( and hypothetical ) instance of ‘ dismissal for red hair type of case . ’
28 My right hon. Friend was correct and was entitled to raise the case that he did in the House just now .
29 He had made the excuse that he needed to be there to greet the Prince of Wales , but making this pronouncement , which he had previously rehearsed many times , failed to fill him with the satisfaction he had anticipated .
30 And we and then we had been working for him for about ten or eleven years on this contract that he had for us .
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