Example sentences of "[noun sg] that he [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Brucan 's reference to the benefits of abandoning the ‘ idiocy of rural life ’ was the typical presumption of a Marxist intellectual that he knew what was best for the benighted peasant .
2 Saint Basil was so enchanted by this selfless action that he concluded his comments with the words ‘ If things seen are so lovely , what must things unseen be ? ’
3 In a letter addressed ‘ Dear Boris ’ and signed ‘ Yours John ’ Mr Major told the Russian president that he supported his emphasis on ‘ controlling inflation , completing land reform and helping … businesses ’ .
4 Sartre 's character the Auto-Didact was working his way through an alphabetical subject catalogue , with the result that he knew nothing of subjects beginning with the later letters ; to learn mathematics by the route Algebra , Arithmetic , Calculus , Geometry … and on to Trigonometry would be bizarre by any conventional standard .
5 He has not only tarnished his relationship with Leeds United Football Club ( the club that he owes everything to including his 2.75M price tag ) , he also shit on the manager and those players who are left at the club , who helped him win a championship medal .
6 It was a bitter irony that he condemned her for loving a man who was out of reach .
7 Er racking damage , Carrie 's who in bay one and two , came to me this morning and said the the racking that he checks it every morning when he comes at six or wh Six seven , whenever he starts .
8 It is only when he is out of his mind that he strengthens himself unwilling . ’
9 ‘ I wanted him to chase me , not literally , though I would have been madly impressed if he 'd charged up Piccadilly on a white stallion , but I just wanted some firmer confirmation that he loved me .
10 At the age of 12 , Kitto was taken on by his father to assist him in his trade , and it was shortly afterwards when he was working for his father slating a new roof that he lost his footing in the act of stepping off a ladder and fell thirty-five feet to the ground .
11 It was n't the nigger 's fault that he had nothing to do for the moment .
12 There is every indication that he believed it to be true , whether it was or not .
13 When he did n't move or give any indication that he knew she was there at all — although he must have heard the car draw up and , unless he was deaf , the car door slam — she marched across to him .
14 After his accession Richard parted with all his East Anglian estates to Howard , an indication that he regarded them as a peripheral part of his power base .
15 After his accession Richard parted with all his East Anglian estates to Howard , an indication that he regarded them as a peripheral part of his power base .
16 But maybe that is n't such a departure when you consider that falsetto has always been ‘ a sexual mask … the sound of a woman coming from a man … a way to demonstrate to his intended lover that he understands her fears and desires as if he were female himself ( Michael Freedburg ) .
17 But it was in the opera house not the organ loft that he found his true métier .
18 In particular , it may foster the inventor 's ill-informed optimism that he has something which can be developed and exploited for commercial gain .
19 Some still persist in their view that Morris burnt his boat when he chose previously to hand over the captaincy , saying in effect that he thought his cricket was suffering because of it .
20 Indeed , in a remarkable episode , El Cid is said to have forced Alfonso to swear an oath on sacred relics to the effect that he had nothing to do with his brother 's murder .
21 The driver may be forthcoming that his boss said words to the effect that he knew there was no insurance but the vehicle was the only one available and the journey had to be undertaken .
22 Ricky was so furious with Perdita for deliberately sabotaging her scholarship that he gave her the sack .
23 I was n't sure if this was a reproach that he deserted her the rest of the year .
24 ‘ Nowhere have I been presented with so many extraordinary opportunities for startlingly fresh and original material for radio , ’ he says of Greenland , where he borrows a cassette and goes out recording ‘ wild track ’ ( a technical term that he expects us to know , meaning the sound background you hear when the broadcaster mercifully shuts up . )
25 The pittance that he allowed her to keep herself and his two children could not make much of a dent in Tawell 's more than robust bank account .
26 So obsessed was he with the details of administration that he saw nothing inappropriate , while Governor-General of Nigeria , in personally composing a memorandum on the issue of chamber pots to second-class administrative officers : he was , he said , against it .
27 He was also allowed to continue trading , on condition that he kept his trustee supplied with a record of his financial affairs , so as to facilitate repayment of outstanding creditors .
28 To James McGuire , their eldest son , he gave an estate at Houston , in Renfrewshire , and an unknown substantial sum of money , on condition that he changed his name to James McGuire Macrae .
29 The applicant had been granted access to accounts on condition that he paid what was considered to be excessive amounts for rent of room , photocopying , and a union official 's salary .
30 An example may help : property could be left to somebody on condition that he did something .
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