Example sentences of "[noun sg] that have been make " in BNC.

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1 Obviously it is worth trying to pin-point the cause of failure but that is quite independent of the amount of investment that has been made .
2 Again she was plied with whisky , but this time in hot water and sweetened with brown sugar ; she was then led to the sitting-room couch that had been made up as a bed for her .
3 Exactly the same unconscious human intention that has been made manifest by the deification of Jesus Christ , can be seen in the cult of the Virgin Mary .
4 One recommendation that has been made is that there should be a ‘ decade of retirement ’ , between the ages of 60 and 70 .
5 ‘ Like many others , I welcome the concession that has been made to leave out the airline staff and the railway employees and all the others that are left out by the dropping of clause 54(4) .
6 These are just some of the facilities and expertise that have been made available to industry .
7 If you look , for example , at the case that has been made for the protection of the rainforest , you will find that it is peppered with every conceivable argument .
8 It will look at the part played by pressure groups in the system , and it will examine the case that has been made for regarding democracy as significantly undermined by ‘ political elites ’ .
9 In March 1947 , the Government announced its intention to round off the social service provision that had been made by the National Insurance and National Health Service Acts of 1946 , by introducing legislation to break up the poor law , and to introduce a comprehensive system of national assistance .
10 Peter must not talk about erm the provision that has been made .
11 However , the committee , which eventually divided on party lines , defined its terms of reference at the outset so narrowly that it effectively ruled out any possibility of discovering the truth or otherwise of the allegations of malpractice that had been made against the police .
12 ‘ What author ? ’ asked the doctor , probably resenting the arbitrary change that had been made upon his name .
13 There has been a substantial advance in real-terms pay under our Administration , and this year the pay award that has been made for the current year is increasing the teachers ' pay bill overall by 11.3 per cent .
14 I agree entirely with my hon. Friend , and so does every independent study and assessment that has been made of this matter .
15 We 've got a whole erm , a whole erm organisation that in fact the Council for Voluntary Service only this week made an appointment with a very , very , very , very small amount of money that 's been made available on a very , very part-time basis , to actually assist with that , with the planning that 's going on in the voluntary sector .
16 Any decision that has been made has been with the best intentions of the people of at heart , to maintain as a leading European city and to derive benefits for the people of this community .
17 Any decision that has been made has been with the best intentions of the people of at heart , to maintain as a leading European city and to derive benefits for the people of this community .
18 The medical report books , as Queen Victoria 's reign approached its end , bear eloquent witness to the progress that had been made at the workhouse since those days when the deaths of the fifteen-year-old Samuel B. , and the Infant Bastard child of Susan C. had been recorded in the cold official language of the time .
19 He had seen for himself the progress that had been made in the three days since he had last visited the laboratories .
20 It pointed to the progress that had been made in Mexico , the Philippines and Costa Rica .
21 At a recent meeting Jim Naden of Scottish Enterprise , who had assisted with the initial Quality Survey , said he was delighted with the progress that had been made and the enthusiasm that was clearly evident .
22 Given this , the progress that has been made is remarkable , particularly in relating components of the ERP to attentional processes .
23 Drug testing also may disproportionally victimise members of racial minority groups whose subcultures sanction casual marijuana smoking , reversing much of the progress that has been made in eliminating employment discrimination .
24 Composing himself , Sir Michael pressed on : ‘ Would my Right Honourable Friend reflect on the great progress that has been made during the last 10 years in the well-being of our country and the competitiveness of our industries and …
25 Let us think for a few moments of the wonderful achievements of the human race — the towns that have been built , the works of art that have been produced — the books , plays , films , pictures , music … the progress that has been made in science and technology .
26 In Britain also , there is recognition that the progress that has been made in the last fifteen years in increasing the pool of professionally-trained social workers must be matched by similar efforts to upgrade the skills of the paraprofessional work force if the quality of social service provision is to be adequate .
27 He began by commenting on the dramatic progress that has been made in the understanding of both tropospheric and stratospheric chemical processes during the past 20 years .
28 I think also we have to look at how we share the progress that has been made in the statutory services with the people in private care .
29 " We are all very proud of the progress that has been made by France in Cochin-China and the other lands of the French Indochinese Union in recent years .
30 In this way , I hoped that most people would be able to share in the excitement and feeling of achievement in the remarkable progress that has been made in physics in the last twenty-five years .
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