Example sentences of "[noun sg] that be [prep] her " in BNC.

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1 Blanche 's antennae were very sensitive at gauging the progress of an investigation but she relied on Dexter to hoover up male gossip that was beyond her reach , idle chatter in the canteen or the gents ' toilet that sometimes hardened into hostility or resentment at some way a case was being handled .
2 He kissed her with an expertise that was outside her experience , with a knowledge that was never learned from any book , and , much to her surprise , she felt a stab of jealousy for all those other women who must have stood as she stood now , arms round his strong frame , mouth ravaged by his skill .
3 An undercurrent of shared knowledge that was outside her experience .
4 The only aspect of Serena 's life that is beyond her control is her sister Stella .
5 Nan had no trace of the coarseness that was in her father 's face .
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