Example sentences of "[noun sg] that give [pers pn] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The sayings of country people , sometimes tinged with poetry , always rich in concrete images and braced with the vigour and rhythm that gives them long life , are worth revealing .
2 If kids do things with their body that give them physical pleasure , that 's more sensuality rather than sexuality .
3 I know somebody here who got very good marks for his lab work and he 's good on computers , and he just programmed the computers in random errors and stuff that give him set results and nice graphs , and they were n't perfect so nobody noticed them , but he fiddled them , and that way he did n't have to do any lab work if he did n't want to .
4 Recently , TCS entered into an agreement with Lotus Development Corporation that gave them exclusive distribution rights for the whole range of Recently there was uproar in India following ‘ body shopping ’ by American software firms .
5 ‘ But within the last few days we have received a letter from our insurance assessor that gives us fresh hope .
6 Can we expect individuals to enjoy equal rights and participation in their social lives and yet work under an authoritarian structure at the workplace that gives them little responsibility and allows them little scope for participation ?
7 Though the business was thriving , there was one aspect that gave him great concern and over which he was powerless to exercise any sort of control .
8 These problems require very different sorts of action ; together their requirements conflict in a way that gives him little room for manoeuvre .
9 These problems require very different sorts of action ; together their requirements conflict in a way that gives him little room for manoeuvre .
10 Likewise , by efficient data storage the user benefits from having a system that gives him relevant information quickly .
11 Realistically the championship was never quite on the agenda this year , but setting up a system that gives us regular qualification for Europe and the occasional cup run/win will be satisfactory IMO .
12 These advanced primates had large brains and eyes at the front of the face that gave them stereoscopic forward vision .
13 Nonetheless , it was British fears that began the process of creating a political group ( rather than a religious one ) , and British political tactics to safeguard their continued power that gave it national significance .
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