Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [vb -s] [pron] now " in BNC.

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1 Aunt Lilian was aware — more than Aunt Kit was aware , anyway — of what might be thought a young girl 's natural pre-occupations , and it was she who took me to buy clothes and lipsticks , asking the sales girls ' advice with a gentle humility that touches me now , because she was not humble by nature and thought an interest in personal adornment the mark of a trivial mind .
2 To look at the mess that faces you now ,
3 CCG has won another schools catering contract , the latest in a series of valuable new work that means we now provide over 200,000 school meals every week .
4 I have noticed this during the last two or three days that I have been sitting here , being able for the first time in this House , to see the faces of my old associates , I have admired the way in which they have cheered to keep their spirits up , and I have admired those who have done that knowing — knowing — that only a few weeks , possibly , remain , before the place that knows them now will know them no more .
5 He once described himself as the ‘ grandfather ’ of that generation of Tories that includes Michael Forsyth and Michael Fallon , a phrase that embarrasses him now .
6 The problem that concerns us now can be expressed as follows .
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