Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [vb mod] [vb infin] their " in BNC.

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1 Between Levels 1 and 2 there is at least a logical association that would support their inclusion in some form in the same hierarchy .
2 To steal SunSelect 's WABI 's thunder — see front page — Microsoft Corp and Insignia Solutions Inc are believed to be moving on the accord that will strengthen their relationship .
3 The lathes were serviced with a light oil film , draped in it as if to give them an overcoat protection that would ensure their survival against age and wear .
4 Some have experience , others are beginners but already Eddie is looking for a local golf course that will accept their membership as a club to provide a base .
5 It exposes capitalism in the raw : huge profits to be made from risking huge sums of money , often in a matter of weeks , while ordinary people wait , innocently and impotently , for a verdict that will affect their jobs and lives .
6 It is difficult in this case to offer children the direct practical experience that will challenge their ideas and lead them to modify them .
7 Every step is a chance to meet people , to give them the idea , the experience that can change their living and thinking ; to be caught up in an effort to bring a fundamental change to Rhodesia — and that means , of course , matching one 's own life to it .
8 For the man at the centre of the police inquiry will be sitting on the committee that could decide their fate .
9 Some commentators suggest that the power deters supporters from rebellion since they would be reluctant to create a situation in which they could be faced with an arduous election campaign that could jeopardise their seats .
10 A financial-market reform that will increase their freedom and that of foreign investors in South Korea is due soon .
11 They all looked blowsy , lipsticky and desperate , locked in a fight with a life set to trample them into the barroom floor , a series of no-account boyfriends too free with their fists and guns , and an incipient obesity that would limit their later careers to shrill mother roles .
12 Students from all departments were invited to submit bids for up to £1000 to carry out a project of their own initiative that would develop their enterprise skills .
13 However the European Commission and most E C governments refute this and contend that legislation is needed to ensure that workers are not kept in the dark about decisions taken elsewhere in the community that could affect their livelihoods .
14 The farmers feared heavy rain that would crush their ripening crops .
15 But they did not want change and the link to be forged if it were to lead on to wild and radical measures for democracy , equality , and a social revolution that would threaten their larger position of power within the developing economy .
16 Those around him anxious to please and do his bidding were in no doubt as to what he wanted and desperately sought a solution at any price that would satisfy their commander-in-chief .
17 We think , perhaps , too much of the sedimentary environment , and not enough of what may be called the geophysical environment that can ensure their preservation .
18 Causal attention to the way that a breeze moves the leaves on a tree would seem to make it quite unrealistic to think of having a theory that could predict their motion …
19 So , they look to experts that can integrate different technology from different vendors , while creating a coherent strategy that will meet their business needs .
20 Meanwhile , Olympic gold medallists Steve Redgrave and Matthew Pincent have won a sponsorship lifeline that will keep their Atlanta dreams alive .
21 Mel Brooks ' glorious bad-taste comedy starring Zero Mostel as a crooked Broadway producer who co-opts a timid accountant ( Gene Wilder ) to help mount a mega flop that will make their fortune .
22 It saddens me to think that as the elitists worry about the ‘ wrong ’ people getting into their clubs , and so tighten up their door policies , the indie kids , the hooligans , the ‘ lilac clad youths ’ are all denied the chance to hear the music that could damage their lives .
23 the market circumstances are such that there are a number of alternative buildings in the locality that could suit their company ;
24 Finally a metal detoxifier attacks heavy metals like copper that may find their way in through the tapwater .
25 The police hope new witnesses will come forward with information that could assist their investigation .
26 This is one lesson that could save their lives .
27 One might rhetorically ask whether , if the United States or Britain assumes the role of international policeman from time to time , it is not an odd sense of police priorities to protect an oil sheikh from a military tyrant , but to ignore the plight of Sudanese children when military commanders forbid landing rights to aircraft bringing in food that could save their lives .
28 The right-wing intellectuals sought to influence postwar political culture in a way that would destigmatise their fascist ideas .
29 They should be able to grasp a total situation from the fragments presented to them and respond linguistically in a way that would benefit their business .
30 They will I a agree with that but the nice thing is that if they can get out there and get at 'em and get another goal that will build their confidence and their stamina and everything up and I thi really do think Alan that they have a chance .
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