Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [vb past] [pron] from " in BNC.

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1 Margaret Hughes wept in the backseat of the police car that took her from the court to prison .
2 He tells interviewer Melvyn Bragg in Sunday 's South Bank Show that acting was a therapy that saved him from self-destruction .
3 Camberwell did not have a major industry that distinguished it from other London districts , but it offered sufficient variety of employment to engage a majority of the workforce ; other breadwinners did not have to go far to reach central London .
4 It may have been the horse that roused me from my sleep .
5 For , after all , it was not humility that restrained her from believing herself to be at first sight infinitely interesting , for she believed herself to be the equal even of Clelia Denham : it was simply a deference to the law of probability .
6 His father 's smell seemed to be impregnated in the large cotton shirt that covered him from neck to calf .
7 The absurdity became clearer if one imagined twenty or thirty writers from another era occupying the air-conditioned coach that took us from the Hyde Park Regis to the Riverside .
8 Marion was sitting in the sun , her back to the hut that sheltered her from the cold wind .
9 On certain nights the mirror had a faint lustre that separated it from the deeper shadows of the corner in which it stood .
10 They must have constantly wondered whether they would ever return to the world outside the moat that separated them from it , a moat that also served as a sewer .
11 When she was released she had gained some weight , but it was fear of rehospitalisation rather than a true recovery that kept her from losing all the weight again .
12 Everyone who has ever taken an exam will remember that feeling of complete and utter boredom that overwhelmed them from time to time .
13 She persuaded them to invest in ten rolls of wallpaper bought from a corner shop that sold everything from paraffin to knickers .
14 They became aware , therefore , of the vast gulf that separated them from the supreme Reality and the great confessional religions were born to meet these new conditions .
15 Ferguson , for his part , can now look any supporter of his club in the eye and say that Gough having to commit the foul that debarred him from a Cup-tie verified the youngster 's ability to put an awkward pre-match situation out of his mind and play in a determined way that suggested his temperament was on the mend .
16 He scrambled down into the cold , howling plain that separated them from the stones .
17 Her head lay next to the thin wall that separated her from the two of them .
18 Then Handlebar 's cock suddenly jumped into the air , flew the distance that separated it from its rival and came down on the darker bird with its neck arched and talons open .
19 He broke through , and was across the clearing that separated him from Yet in a twinkling .
20 He had a kind of inbuilt guilt that saved him from most affairs , but also occasionally made a fool of him .
21 They wandered down the cobbled streets to the Riviera , across the Villa Comunale and then over Via Caracciolo to the balustrade that separated them from the boulders that sat on the edge of the sea .
22 Each had used her ; none had discovered the essential quality that differentiated her from other lovers .
23 They ate and drank , sitting tucked into long grass that screened them from the river ; they could hear the flow of it , and the occasional plop of a fish .
24 At last she found the shop belonging to Dai Jones , it was spread well back from the front door , a long dimly lit store that sold everything from flour and salt to patent medicines .
25 Then swabbed the wash-basin clean guided Maxim downstairs and found their shoes and socks moving with a numb efficiency that abstracted him from the terrors of his imagination .
26 My definition of harmful treatment would embrace not just treatment that exposed me to risk without any hope of compensating benefit but treatment of unproved efficacy that diverted me from having other treatments that were of proved value .
27 But it was not only the international flavour of Penguin New Writing that distinguished it from other symposia of this kind ; Lehmann also had an active interest in the visual arts , and in particular promoted the neo-romantics .
28 The shriek that jerked me from sleep sounded like Lehrathghan harpy-bat .
29 It stood , open and scoured , to breathe the air that purified it from any hint of sour milk .
30 But , to her relief , the voice that greeted her from the other side of the oak door , though indistinct , was that of the porter she had met so briefly the evening before .
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