Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [pers pn] find [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This was a sparrow that I found on the day it was born .
2 The reduction that we found in 1992 , in both gonorrhoea and HIV infection , is heartening , but vigorous and continuing health promotion will be necessary to continue this trend .
3 His vision leads him to seek a saviour that he finds in the proletariat , albeit heavily cloaked in ‘ ideology ’ .
4 Item 1 is an enamelled badge that I found in the garden of an old house .
5 That lame approach is mirrored in the amendment that we find before us today .
6 Having failed dismally with a bicycle pump and an unidentified device that I found at the back of my Dad 's garden shed , I stumbled across what seemed like a promising routine and set aside the whole of Boxing Day to test it out .
7 I do n't see that we 're doing anybody any harm , any damage , any anything , by simply saying we 'll go out and consult the people of Chipping Norton about this new site that we found at Rockhill .
8 Millet took the bus to the pre-war inelegance of the College close to the Thames towpath and blessed the warmth that he found on the upper deck .
9 This would be the relationship that we find in 104 ( ‘ To me , fair friend , you never can be old ’ ) or 106 ( ‘ When in the chronicle of wasted time ’ ) .
10 Well erm made models with stones and other rubbish that we found about the place and a whole pile of had still standing .
11 Because their interiors perfectly reflect the fine reproduction pine furniture that you find for sale in them today .
12 In that short interval we managed to grab a couple of milk crates and a door that we found at the edge of a building site .
13 It is because carbon-based molecules are necessary for the kind of life that we find on Earth , and because those molecules are of necessity complex , that life itself is fragile .
14 She sympathized with and approved of , if never quite comprehended , Edward 's intense love of the special happiness that he found in the heart of the country when absorbed with his rare intensity in sights , sounds , and scents .
15 The homosexual ‘ knows intimately in himself the generality that he finds in the other ’ : ‘ in the homosexual act I remain locked within my body , narcissistically contemplating in the other an excitement that is the mirror of my own ’ ( pp. 307 , 310 ) .
16 Organiser Ali McMordie said earlier this week : ‘ We have had a problem with the sort of cynicism that you find in Northern Ireland about peace initiatives .
17 The , the problem that I find in , in , in doing the role plays and I mean they 're good what we 're doing , but because you 're , you 're doing bits here and bits there
18 As a one-way passage the model clearly does not square with the repeated movements between verse and prose that we find in Shakespeare .
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