Example sentences of "[noun sg] that [modal v] have to " in BNC.

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1 I can certainly give my hon. Friend an assurance that , were the investigations by the Serious Fraud Office to produce evidence of fraud that would have to be considered by those involved in criminal prosecutions of if there were claims that the Occupational Pensions Board had been negligent or in any other way culpable of failure to carry out its duties as imposed by the law , those matters would be considered with great care .
2 In detail , will the Minister give the capital debt figure that will have to be shouldered by these three hospitals ?
3 After primary school , the encouragement of the imagination in children , and the cultivation of specifically creative activities , has often been thought an optional part of the curriculum , a luxury that may have to be dispensed with , left in , if at all , for the less able pupils deemed incapable of serious learning or for that minority determined to reject ‘ scientific ’ understanding .
4 The French Open champion has ‘ a serious condition that will have to be taken care of in a substantial way , ’ said her agent , Phil de Picciotto .
5 is a story that will have to be told elsewhere . )
6 The little heart has been put in a square frame , as any other shape would leave too much background space around the heart that would have to be filled .
7 This is the key to Dorothy Heathcote 's attitude to drama ; may I suggest it is also a key to the re-thinking that will have to be done vis-à-vis the arts and the curriculum .
8 In any case , if one insists on talking about knowledge , the question that will have to be answered sooner or later is what does constitute genuine knowledge , and if it should turn out , as it well might , that in defining the conditions of knowledge one has to make use of existential propositions of one sort or another , then the suggested reductivist paraphrase will not have achieved its purpose .
9 It is a point that will have to be stressed again and again .
10 Scorn , strangely , have managed to make a record that would have to be called ‘ Lick Forever Dog ’ even if , in error , the band had wanted to call it ‘ Bob The Kitten ’ .
11 In 1975 he wrote his open letter to President Husak about the price that would have to be paid for delivering their country into the hands of an ‘ entropic ’ regime which depended ‘ solely on the ruling minority 's instinct of self-preservation and on the fear of the ruled majority ’ , a regime which positively required the suppression of truth and history for its surival .
12 But before this could be contemplated , there are some more serious problems with the positivist stance that would have to be resolved — again relating to its neglect of criminal justice processes .
13 The area would also be unsuitable for a business park , because it is only 1.8 hectares in size and the necessary development would be uneconomic , considering the amount of traffic that would have to be accommodated .
14 The group has a fairly informal basis , but we feel there must be various ways of forming the group to mitigate the members from losses incurred over and above the level of liability insurance that may have to met in the event of a very serious accident .
15 It is one section of the hobby that will have to be market-driven .
16 But even these programs are small-fry compared to the program that would have to be written to simulate an emerging arms race between predators and prey , embedded in a complete , counterfeit ecosystem .
17 Slow play is the other problem for World Cup that will have to be addressed .
18 The volume of information that would have to be absorbed is simply too great .
19 You see in British Steel we we have seventy thousand deferred pensioners and er it is a group of people that I feel extremely sorry for , because er in nineteen eighty-six British Steel introduced into their pension scheme while it was still in the public sector , retirement at sixty where with a pension credit spaced on length of service , so if you had thirty-five years service in , you could retire at sixty as if you were sixty-five and there was nothing done at all for deferred pensioners and in certainly our submission to British Steel for seeking improvements , we we asked that they er they look at deferred pensioner with a view to paying their pensions at sixty , recognising that it was a very high-class plane that might have to be er achieved in stages .
20 The findings of your own and other studies on the costs of computing , point towards our own computing staff being a resource that will have to be replicated in the new structures .
21 Well , there will be a certain amount of explanation that will have to be done , because Geoffrey Howe is a well known , well liked figure among many people that I deal with er but now , and for some time now , for a year now , it 's I who have been dealing with them and I hope I 've inherited some of the work and some of the trust which he helped to create .
22 This computerised index replaced a card index system that used to have to be updated by hand by bureaux staff .
23 Still , Phil Danaher , the new Irish captain , knows the mountain that will have to be climbed .
24 One can not know completely either the information that was available or the value that should have to be associated with obtaining more information prior to the decision being taken .
25 In other words , you could ride into the ring with a home-made hard hat that would have to be accepted if it had a ‘ harness secured to the shell at more than two points ’ , but they can pull you up for wearing black jodhs !
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